Are you able to swallow pills post-op?

I take about 20 medicines, vitamins and supplements everyday. Will I be able to swallow them as some are pretty large?    — loretta S. (posted on July 1, 2002)

June 30, 2002
It was three months before I could swallow pills but everyone is different. So I did'nt get my much needed pills. As far as spliting big pills in two that only makes one side sharp and easier to get stuck! I just went without my anti depressants, vitamins and all that stuff I REALLY NEEDED to take. Not a good thing to do, but I could'nt do anything else. Just as soon as I swallowed a pill, air would come up from my stomach and push the pill up to my Adams Apple and there it stayed for at least 20 minutes. This was painful, and it was only ONE pill! I would have had to gone through this for some 8 or 10 pills and a couple times a day! No way! But you may not have this trouble... we are all different.
   — Danmark

June 30, 2002
Daniel is right everyone is different. I was able to take pills right away. In fact they gave me meds in pill form in the hospital. I'm even able to take a farily large capsule they gave me for the gallbladder. Unfortunately, you may have to wait until after surgery to find out about yourself.
   — Cheryl S.

June 30, 2002
I couldn't swallow whole pills until I was 6 months out. I wanted to celebrate I was so excited!! I had been stuck on even 1/4 of some of those horse pills. Now I can take them whole. You may have to buy yourself a pill-splitter, and may even have to crush until powder. But then again, you may be one of the lucky few who can swallow right off the bat. Talk to your surgeon about alternatives that they may have in liquid or chewable form.
   — Cheri M.

June 30, 2002 surgeon has a general rule - nothing bigger than an M&M for round, and I don't have problems with my iron capsules (have to take 150mg/day). I sometimes have problems with my calcium citrate capsule, but I try to take it with hot liquids to try and melt the shell quickly. A word of caution also, before you split your pills, find out from your doctor which ones can be split. Time released medicines can't be split or they can cause your problems...good luck!
   — lily1968

June 30, 2002
I am 2 and 1/2 weeks post op and I can swallow pills no problem. I don't however take more than one at a time. I wait at least 20 minutes in between pills because sometimes they feel heavy in my stomach.
   — emilyfink

July 1, 2002
When I had my surgery, my surgeon had us crush our pills for the first 6 weeks and mix them with unsweetned applesauce or sf pudding, the cup that crystal light comes in is just the right size for this, I bought a pill crusher and crushed everything, my time release anti-depressants I opened up and poured that into the mix as well, I did check with the pharmacist before doing this as well as my surgeon and my pcp and all told me that it was fine to open the time release capsules. It didn't always taste very good but it made taking my pills easier and I only missed one day and that was the day of surgery taking my anti-depressants. I found that having the applesauce very cold was the best and I used the little individual cups that way it was easier to keep. Hope this helps
   — Jennie D.

July 1, 2002
I split everythign for 30 days, because I was afraid! But never had had problems with pills, no matter how large. I take LOTS of pills, vites, whatever will help calcium absorb and a few Rx (I'm old, but my comorbs are gone!). The nice thing is your 20 meds will gradually fade down, even if they are replaced with vites. But the illnesses will begin to fade. Neat, huh?
   — vitalady

July 1, 2002
My DR. said no pill bigger then a M&M. I Cut up the big ones
   — charanewme

July 1, 2002
I can take all the pills I have tried & my vitamins & calcium are fairly large. I space them out & use a lot of water & haven't had trouble.
   — Kathy W.

July 1, 2002
The day after my surgery in my hospital they gave me my three medications in pill form and expected me to swallow them w/o cutting them. i did w/ no problem, and have swallowed horse pills since then, I am 4 weeks post-op. I have been on many medications for things and people are always amazed at how many pills I can swallow, so everyone is different, plus I think I have a strong stomach, I consider myself lucky! :) goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

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