Has anyone had or asked the surgeon if they could get their tubes tied during surgery

I want to get my tubes tied and I wondered if anyone had had or asked if they could get their tubes tied during the Bypass Surgery. Thanks Penny    — pcollin4 (posted on May 31, 2002)

May 31, 2002
I was actually wondering that also.I want my tubes tide also.I was gonna ask my OBGYN that question next week when I see him.I will let you know what he says.Tina Pajeski
   — tpajeski

May 31, 2002
I have been researching that very thing. I'm finding that some surgeons will do a tubal ligation at the same time and some won't. My surgeon agreed to let my ob-gyn come in either before or after he finishes the WLS to do the tubal ligation. You will need to first ask your surgeon if he can do it or if he will allow your ob-gyn to do it at the same time. Then, if he will, you can talk to the ob-gyn about it. Good Luck!!!
   — Karen W.

May 31, 2002
The surgeons in my area actually highly suggest you get this done at the same time..same with gall bladder removal
   — paula B.

May 31, 2002
I, too, was wondering about this and found out that it depends upon what hospital you have WLS at. Some hospitals won't do tubals (especially if they are Catholic Hospitals). Better check that out first. Good luck! (Tina Torrey, Spanaway, Washington 08/28/01 60" distal RNY -90 lbs)
   — trtorrey

May 31, 2002
I am so glad you asked this question! I intended to ask my surgeon's office the same thing. I was wondering though, can they do a tubal ligation during a LAP RNY? Appreciate any feedback from anyone. Anna
   — Anna L.

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