Anyone else have a kinked intestine??

The endoscope doctor thought he had fixed it but a week later I was sick again. A small bowel xray showed the kink back again. The doctor and surgeon are unsure of what to do next - apparently I'm their first kinked intestine. If you had this please tell me what your doctor did to fix it so I may pass the info along to them - I'm so tired of feeling sick all the time! Thanks guys!    — Michelle W. (posted on May 27, 2002)

May 27, 2002
Hi, I know of someone I met on another board that just had her surgery and is having the same problem. They took her to surgery yesterday and fixed it. I think she is feeling a lot better now! If you don't know about the site, you should check it out and post your question under the "surgery support" section. I am sure you will get some answers. The people on the board are the most wonderful, supportive people. Like this board! Hope to see you there! Maria
   — Maria S.

May 28, 2002
Hi, I had a twisted intestine and had emergency surgery on April 29, I had to have a second surgery on May 7 because I was still unable to keep any food down. The surgery itself was simple and I felt so much better after it was fixed. ONce the swelling went down and I could keep food down again, I did real well. If you have any questions you can e-mail me.
   — Gail M.

May 28, 2002
I had to have a second surgery to "unkink" it (they called it a herniated intestine). It was a breeze compared to the RNY, and I was out the next day. Recovery was easy and I had virtually no pain.
   — mom2jtx3

May 28, 2002
Michelle, I had the same thing. Apparently I had a hernia that the surgeon did not fix while he was in there, as he was performing lap. 5 days after WLS, my small bowel was sucked into the hernia and kinked. Talk about pain!! Nothing would stay down-NOTHING. Rushed to the emergency room when I became dehydrated and disoriented-emergency surgery the next morning to repair. Felt soooo much better after that. Check to see if you have a hernia complicating things.
   — Cindy R.

August 24, 2002
After my initial lap RNY, I noticed drinking was very difficult...I had a lot of burping and pain. Also, I could taste my medications in my mouth when I burped. Five days later I was doubled over in pain and rushed to the hospital. I did not throw up, but I did feel nauseous and in mega-pain! They thought I had developed a gall stone but soon found out I had a kink. I ended up in the hospital for an additional week and with a feeding tube in my stomach (by far the worse thing, but my doctor is very conservative). Luckily, he was able to make the correction lap again. Anyhow, I am doing great now and my doc teases me and calls me that "Kinky Tube Girl" due to my kink and the dreaded tube I had. He said this had never happened with any of his patients before, but he had heard of it happening. I hope this helps!
   — missmollyk

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