I started at 266 pounds last July, I am currently down to 170 pounds...

I have looking at multiple before and after pictures. Why does everyone look so much smaller at my approximate weight than I do right now? Does this mean that I have a smaller frame? I guess I assumed that since I had always been overweight, my frame had to be large to support me. Should I take all of this into account and set a new goal weight? Dont get me wrong I am very happy for the weight loss so far, but like probably everyone else out there, this may be the only chance in my life to be a normal size. I just want to know why, even with my weight loss, that I dont look a whole lot smaller.    — Cory F. (posted on May 19, 2002)

May 19, 2002
Cory, I am not an expert in size but, everyone is shaped differently so everyone is going to look different at their goal weight. You can determine your frame size by measuring your elbow length or going to one of these frame size calculature sites This one seems to have the frame size info on it here are some other sites i found to find bmi's and such or or hope this helps out. Also remember, to you, you wont look smaller because your head is still telling you that you are big, but in reality you are smaller. Give your self some time to adjust to the new you. Good luck
   — Deanna Wise

May 19, 2002 is a great place answer a few questions and you get a 3d model of what you are going to look like
   — Linda L.

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