Can anyone recommend any books to read before wls?

I am still doing my homework on gastric by-pass surgery and I have an appointment to talk about it with my PCP on May 29th but before my appointment I would like to read up on any information that would help me to understand what the process is and the recovery period.    — Nancy K. (posted on May 14, 2002)

May 14, 2002
There's a good book called "Weight Loss Surgery: Finding the Thin Person Hiding Inside You!" by Barbara Thompson, a woman who has had RNY. You can order it off of her website ( or by calling toll free (877) 440-1518. It costs $23.00, and it's very informative. I read the whole thing in a couple of hours before I had RNY.
   — Kristie B.

May 14, 2002
I found several excellent books on weight loss surgery on Unfortunately, I didn't find them until after I had already had my surgery. I think I might have made a different surgery choice if I had read them before surgery. I highly recommend that you go to Amazon and do a search. I have loaned my copies to a friend so I can't remember the exact titles, but I found them very helpful. Good Luck.
   — Wendy R.

May 14, 2002
I really liked Carnie Wilson's book: Gut Feelings. It is about her life a lot, but it still does talk about her WLS journey and the issues she has had with food. It is comforting to hear others who have the same struggles I have.
   — Jennifer Y.

May 14, 2002
Michelle Boasten's - Weight Loss Surgery, Life Before, During & After. Excellent book. I've referred to it many, many, many times throughout my entire WLS experience. I found it to be very thorough and right on the money.
   — Sharon M.

May 14, 2002
I ordered Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster -- it's a book and an audio-tape on relaxation/healing. It was pretty good, mainly it focused on breathing and concentrating on healing. E-mail me and I'll send you the tape. I don't know where in the heck the book is.
   — blank first name B.

May 14, 2002
Check out the books written by Dr. Teri Holtzclaw...they are great about dealing with the "head" issues you will face. I'm still pre-op but have both her books and have learned quite a bit from them. I know they are available thru Not sure of other book places.
   — Sandra T.

May 15, 2002
(I am pre-op)I found a wonderful book, it was very enlightening. And covered everything from how to pick a surgeon, to what the diet will be 1 week to 1 year after WLS. It also cover % rates and how to decipher what they mean. I just can say enough about this book. PHYSICIAN'S GUIDE TO WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY author: Louis Flancbaum & Erica Menfred Publisher: Fredonia Communications
   — Marlene N.

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