Where do I find a scale that weigh's 375+?
Hi, I am trying to find a scale that is accurate. I have been weighing on Wal-Mart's scale and weighed in and was five pounds up(must be the scale)LOL, but the same scale said I was 11 pounds up from that weight just walking in the store to get more quater's!!!!!! Help — meechi33823 (posted on April 22, 2002)
April 22, 2002
Try going to They have many things, including scales
for large people. I don't know about pricing, but I am sure there will be
something that will work for you. Also, doing an internet search for
"scales" should yeild some suitable results. Good Luck!
— Sandra C.
April 22, 2002
we bought a scale at office depot for around $80.00 a couple of years ago.
i guess its supposed to be for weighing mail or something but it goes up to
420 lbs. it works great. very durable 12 x 12 platform with the part that
displays your weight attached to a mountable wire. it is digital. very
accurate. staples also has them in their catalog i believe.
— s C.
April 22, 2002
I recall reading somewhere that you can purchase two regular and fairly
inexpensive bathroom scales... and stand with one foot on each... the total
will be your weight. Does anyone have two scales to test to see if this is
true? It makes sense from a scientific standpoint... and surely an
investment in two $15 scales would be worth trying. In fact... bring
someone who knows their weight to Kmart or Target with you and test out the
theory before buying. Let us know how it turns out!
— SusanMaria
April 22, 2002
I can make a couple of reccommendations.
Check at your local Post Office or UPS shipping center. They usually don't
have a problem letting you weigh yourself and they are always accurate.
Junk Yards also have high weight scales not always accurate but close to
it. Also a weight doctors office, mine has a scale that should handle 1000
lbs. I am happy to say for the first time in 16 years I can use a regular
doctors office scale in a month and a half post-op. Good Luck to you!
— Glenn M.
April 22, 2002
I have a balance scale, like the one at the doctor's office only the slide
is at waist level. Anyway, it doesn't weight above 350 either. I bought
two spring scales at Walmart last week for $7.99 each and they seem to be
close enough. I should be able to weigh on my regular scale fairly soon
after my surgery anyway. I sure don't want to spend $80 or more on a scale
I'd only use for a month or so.
— garw
April 22, 2002
Hi, I don't know about digital scales but with a regular scale you can wind
it back behind zero, then when you weigh yourself just add the weight on of
how many pounds you turned it back.
— Tammy B.
April 22, 2002
I bought my scale at an office supplies store. I don't remember how high it
goes, but I know it's at least 400 pounds. It has the flat plate you stand
on and a curly cord to the digital read-out which you can hang right at eye
level. I think it is very accurate & I have just had to replace the
battery (9V) after having used it for about 5 years. I went to find out the
brand: it's a Pelouze model 4040 & has a capacity of 400 pounds (I was
— Kathy W.
April 23, 2002
The scale at your doctor's office is probably the most accurate, and many
doctor's scales weigh up to 500 lbs, especially those in your bariatric
surgeon's office. They don't care how often you come in to weigh yourself,
and the scales are always pretty accurate. Also, the YMCA usually has good
— Terissa R.
April 24, 2002
Siltec Corporation makes two digital scales--one weighs up to 500 lbs. and
the other weighs up to 1000 lbs. Both are digital with removal, LCD
readout monitors. I'm sure there are other companies as well. Siltec's,
from what I recall, were reasonably priced. You might want to do a check
online, as pricing tends to vary. All the best to you!
— CaseyinLA
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