I have my gallbladder sono & was told I have stones. What does that mean now?

I was told that the doctor might want to take out the gallbladder when he does the surgery. Is that true?    — Teresa A. (posted on April 19, 2002)

April 18, 2002
Yes i u have gall stones your gallbladder will need to be removed or that is what happen to me found out i had stones but at the time i was notthinking about WLS s just had the gallblader removed
   — wildbrat

April 18, 2002
Most Drs like to take them out to avoid future surgery. I already had mine out before...But you may need to be on some meds for will be fine..Living without the gallbladder these days is quite the norm.
   — jacki L.

April 19, 2002
Yep..sounds familiar. I had my LAP RNY on 3/20/02 and my surgeon "trashed" my gallbladder at same time. Good Luck ~ Debbie
   — Deborah F.

April 19, 2002
It's a matter of course for my surgeon to remove everyone's gallbladder at the same time they perform the WLS because 2/3 of WLS patients have to have their gallbladders removed later anyway.
   — Kristie B.

April 19, 2002
Believe me, have your surgeon remove it now. My galbladder was healthy at the time of my surgery so my surgeon left it. Now 6 months later, I have had an additional surgery to remove my galbladder. Pain from the gal stones is UNREAL!! Not to mention the recovery from galbladder surgery is strange after having gastric bypass surgery. I have encountered several differences in recovery just from the previous surgery.
   — RebeccaP

April 19, 2002
When I had my Sono.. I was also told I had stone.. My Gallbladder was taken out during surgery. From what I heard from other weight loss patients is that.. I was lucky.. Since people who have weight loss surgery sometimes get stones.. So I am happy he took it out, before having 2 surgeries months apart. OUCH!! It will be Okay!! Good luck
   — Lucy B.

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