We moderators are having a discussion about repetive questions here. Many questions are asked over and over again. Distal vs proximal, restaurant cards, I am 3 weeks out and on a plateau. Do you folks mind answeing the same question over and over again? Or would you rather answer each time to help the posters? Presently a larger number of repetive questions are being withheld and the posters being directed back to the library here for the answer. If it were your repeat question whats best? Should we always approve repeats from NEW post ops? I know what a tough time that can be for some so is supporting them worth the repetivness of their questions? Or should these duplicates be directed to repost on the message board. <P> Please post your thoughts, your answer will help us bettere run this place. — bob-haller (posted on April 12, 2002)
April 11, 2002
I think the referal to the archives is best. Maybe these people don't
understand how this website works and that will be the most helpful answer
to there questions. If then they don't find there answer they should be
able to state that and post again. Early on , Post op I LIVED in the
archives , I found all my answers there.
— Rose A.
April 11, 2002
I definitely agree that referral to the library archives is the best way to
handle repetitive questions. Often, the poster is not even aware that such
a resource exists.
— Linda W.
April 11, 2002
As a post-op I used the library extensively also. However, sometimes when
you put a search word in, there is so much info that comes up at once. It
takes a lot of time to find what you are specifically looking for
sometimes. It amazes me how many questions still appear every day. One
would think that all questions had been exhausted by this point. But the
questions live on! Whatever you decide to do, this site is the best!
— Cheri M.
April 11, 2002
Sometimes newer members just want to be reassured. I feel that this message
board is not only informational but also theraputic. So I say let all ask
— Robert L.
April 11, 2002
I think they should be told about the library and then still be allowed to
ask the question afterall someone may have a different response to the
answers in the library.
— Candace F.
April 11, 2002
Bob, the archives are great, but can be time consuming to sift through.
Also, "our" answers aren't always correct (e.g. I've seen some
folks confuse "dumping" with "the effects of eating too
quickly"). Even when they are technically correct, after you read 5 -
6 of them, a new person could still be confused.
To me, it would be much more beneficial for the moderators to create (and
maintain) an FAQ portion of the site. This area could give factual,
CONCISE assistance for those in need of some basic understanding of the WLS
world. Therefore, someone could quickly get the info they need (with
assurance of the validity of its contents).
For example, there could be a "definitions" section (Distal vs
Medial vs Proximal). There may also be a way to get some diagrams to
assist in the understanding of the various types of WLS surgery (not just
RNY); what Post-op scars will look like for us (Lap vs Open vs Gall
Bladder, etc.).
Even though not all moderators will agree on everything, at least you could
come to some kind of consensus of what should be contained in these
sections. Will it be a lot of work? Yes. But the benefits to the new
folks coming here could be tremendous.
— meilankev
April 11, 2002
sometimes a repetative question gets a fresh answer. If people are tired
of answering a repetative question, don't answer just refer to the library.
But new posters have opinions too. I am 59 years old and hav heard it all
as far as questions go. But I have not heard how everyone feels about the
question. Some people consider me boring, because very little bores me.
— faybay
April 11, 2002
When I first started to come to the site, I lived at the Q&A board. I
never knew that there was an archive. Now that I am almost 11 months post
op, I still live here, but my focus has changed somewhat. I often times
answer questions from a new perspective, having lived through the surgery,
now post op- life, etc. If some of the repeat questions weren't asked, I
would not have the opportunity to email some of the people asking questions
who may need more of a personal answer, which I also do frequently. They
would not have the opportunity to get fresh answers, from those of us who
have a fresh perspective, if they were only able to look at past answers.
When I go to the archives, I notice some of the answers can seem a little
dated, or they may not have a point of view that covers all the bases.I
always seem to get a new bit of info. or advice that I have not yet read in
the archives or heard before when I read the answers here! I say, this is
our forum, let people ask away, if not we may find the Q&A board become
less helpful to those who need it and may be newer to this site, and they
may not have the opportunity to form friendships which can happen through
asking those questions and perhaps getting a personal email in response.
— Vicki K.
April 11, 2002
As a pre-op, I searched this site ad nauseum. As a result, I run a local
support group, serve as a patient advocate for my surgeon, and speak to
people from an educated perspective on issues concerning WLS (including my
PCP!). What scares me is that 80% of the people I talk to about this
surgery don't do what I consider to be a necessary amount of research.
They see that I've lost 122 pounds and want to do it too without knowing a
darn thing about the after-effects and care that they need to maintain
their health. So instead of giving the posters a fish, I say you TEACH
them to fish by pointing them to the archives (and I like the idea of
creating an FAQ page). It will encourage them to learn how to research --
find out info that they need and if any info is conflicting they can ask
their doctor -- or in my case, they can make their doctor look up the
answer. Help those who help themselves. Good luck and God Bless!
— Kimberly L.
April 11, 2002
I am one of those who keeps getting rejected (and that is kind of what it
feels like too). I don't post my questions until refering to the library
first, and then, if I still don't have the information I am looking for, I
attempt to post a question- and it generally doesn't go through for the
above reason. My most recent one was about appeal letters. I searched
extensively in the library, but what am I supposed to do when the MAJORITY
of the answers are..."I'll send you a copy of my appeal letter."
That is great for whomever was allowed to post that question...but what
about me...if noone knows that I need help with an appeal letter, I won't
be getting any help. Not to complain, I just think it is also kind of
rough, becuase I assume alot of repeat questions are from pre-ops and new
people, and in my case, I am frustrated enough with my insurance company, I
would really just like to get answers to MY question, that really don't
relate to the answers in the library.
— Sarah P.
April 11, 2002
As a neither brand new, nor long term post op, being six months out, I
still have questions myself. I find that sometimes, when I go to the
questions and answer archives that I just don't get the answer I am looking
for. Those questions have been asked by someone else. Not by me. They
may not describe all that I am feeling.
I don't know about others, but I feel that this site is a genuine life
saver. I use it EVERDYAY without fail. I live and breathe on here. This
site has made my six months out a big success. Preop I mostly went to the
pictures before and after, now I go there, but I also go to the ?'s and A's
board. I like to be able to help others, my perspective and someone else's
on the same question might differ. I may be able to handle different foods
or different drinks, I might like things that a previous poster didn't. We
are all different, and preops and newbies need to know this. I want to
thank you though for this wonderful site. God knows I could never have
dropped 82 pounds in six months on my own. My doc says I am a head of
schedule. :) I say it is thanks to this site. God bless and god speed!!!
BEST!!!! - 82LBS!!!!! YEAH!!!!!
April 11, 2002
I think the questions should be allowed up here...after all, going through
this process, this journey, you sometimes feel very "alone" and
isolated anyway because of your weight...getting "personalized"
answers helps in a lot of ways. Just my two cents.
— Mustang
April 11, 2002
As a recent rejected poster I know about the archives. I also know that
what I was rejected for was not in there. Oh there was a small post listing
maybe 1 or 2 of a pureed food type but it did not answer my question. I
finally got my question up and got some good ideas that have helped me.
Mind you that was about 3-5 days after I originally asked the question that
got rejected. I say let the questions go up. If it is a repetitive question
then the responders can either choose to not respond and kindly point them
in the archive direction. But at the same token, a responder may have a
good idea that may help the person even if it is a repetitive question :)
— Renee V.
April 11, 2002
I am two years out but I remember when I started this journey. If I would
have been referred to the library, I would have felt put down. You can be
SO vulnerable when you first come here. If there is a repetitive question
asked I simply dont read it and move on. I think it's fine to refer to the
library but that process isn't perfect so let the questions come as they
may. This is still the best site around for weight loss surgery information
and if we old timers are tired of repetitive questions we need to remember
what it was like when we were new and get over it.
— Mary G.
April 11, 2002
Personally, I don't mind that they are asked again and again. I do use the
library myself - however, understand that at any given moment, each of us
is further along in our journey and the answers we receive will change over
time. For example, I can now respond to people who are at my phase in the
process, started at my weight, etc. And now that I eat meat (after being a
vegetarian), I have something
different to contribute. Everyone seems to enjoy being able to make a
contribution - as well as get some answers. PLUS, there's something about
putting a question out there and making that human connection that many
folks don't "get" just by thumbing through the library. My 2
cents. OPEN RNY 7/17/01, -88 lbs
— blee01
April 11, 2002
You should allow all questions (if appropriate) to the Q&A section.
Rejecting people from posting is probably a BIG shock and let down and just
not fair in a forum such as this. ALL questions are important and so are
all responses. Valuable information that wasn't availble 6 months ago
could be provided from a repeat question. There's also no need to make
newer post-ops suffer...making them wait for a reply of rejection from
you...scrounge through the library...resubmitt their question...and end up
with an answer to an important question a week later.
Now that we have the moderators attention...
BRING BACK ANONYMOUS POSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have had several private
questions that will have to go unanswered because I don't want my name,
profile and picture availble for people to know who I am. Because of
this...I'm not getting "support"--- which is what this site is
all about!
— Kristin R.
April 11, 2002
I believe a FAQ page is the best answer. Kevin's suggestions were right on
target. However, DO keep the Q&A section also. Just make it so that
when you go to the Q&A page, you are first referred to the FAQ page
before asking your question (on the FAQ page would also be a link to the
library). I agree with the other posts that an initial researcher of WLS
might be intimidated by doing a complete library search, and that
"fresh" answers are often the best answers. - Anna
— Anna L.
April 11, 2002
I have noticed that a lot of the repeat questions are slightly different
and also that when you are looking through the library, the questions are
not where you think they ought to be. I also think that sometimes
questions may need to be addressed again to get different opinions and
updated information.
— Laurie V.
April 11, 2002
I find the search query for the library to be so broad and it always seems
to give me PAGES of matches and very few are relevant to my specific
question. I say let all but the most basic repetitive questions through.
— Virginia N.
April 11, 2002
I, for one, am here to help and repeat questions also help reinforce my
thinking. Bring on the questions old and new is my vote!
— Oldsoul
April 11, 2002
Thanks for ALL the comments and keep it up! This will help us form a
— bob-haller
April 11, 2002
I have seen the same question asked within 4 questions of each other. Just
the other day there were like 4 out of ten questions on hair removal. I
think if the question hasn't been asked for a few weeks maybe a repeat, the
biggest issue I have is new people are always joining, so new questions
bring about new answers, new points of views. If you keep referring people
back to the library we might miss a really good answer from someone who
didn't get to answer the first time. I just wish people would bother to
read and see if their question had already been answered in a way that's
helpful to them!
— Becky K.
April 11, 2002
Let the questions go through! It offers support to all, will not put the
poster down, etc. I've seen people supply the link for a repetitive
question as an answer, which is fine. I also come here every day, and love
the site, and appreciate being able to ask any question I have about my
journey. One idea would be to further push the looking up of a question
before posting (but you already do that so don't know how I'd improve it).
You guys are the best!
— Sarah C.
April 11, 2002
I don't see why the moderators would have a problem with repetitive
questions. You don't answer them you just approve or reject them. You
should'nt have the authority to decide who's question gets answered or
trashed. If another person wants to respond to the question they can and if
they don't they can pass it up. I aslo would like to see the anonomous
posting come back. I have several questions that I am entirely too
embarrassed to ask and if you answer and someone does'nt like it you tons
of nasty mail. The only alternative to that is to make a fake profile.
Thanks for all your time
— Grace N.
April 11, 2002
Of all the AMOS sections, I really only utilize the Q & A portion (and
the before/after photos, of course!) and as I am going thru the different
phases of WLS, I find that my eyes are drawn to the particular questions of
interest to me at that point. Pehaps you could divide the questions into
pre and post op sections, so that insurance trauma questions could be
separarated from "Help, I'm on a plateau questions". I also like
the previous posters idea about a FAQ section. The real question should be
how much data can the site support? I would vote for erasing older
questions and answers and allowing all current questions to be posted. I
dunno, it's a tough issue, but I'd sure hate to see my (or any other
poster's ) questions censored...
— rebeccamayhew
April 11, 2002
And, btw, I do find the library a bit hard to navigate...
— rebeccamayhew
April 11, 2002
I personally feel that the role of a moderator is to facilitate discussion,
not to CENSOR. I do not mind answering a question for the billionth time
if it will help a new post-op deal with his/her new lifestyle.
— Terissa R.
April 11, 2002
Maybe you could include and enable text with hyperlinks so the moderators
and/or people who answer could point the questionaers<sp> to the
correct page
— Robert L.
April 11, 2002
I'm pre-op and I love the Q & A section, repeat questions
and all. When I was new to this web site, I loved reading
other people's questions. And since I WAS new, they were
all new to me, as well. Now that I am more familiar with
the workings of the site, I can find my answers in the
library and so on. I still log on to Q & A daily, but
don't read every question any more. As a newby, though, I
think it is an exceptionally valuable site.
And I also want to thank Bob Haller for being a moderator.
I've enjoyed his Q & A's over the past year or so I been
logging on here and given the energy, excitement and
concern he show for pre and post's both, I think he's found
his niche!
— JoSyrNY
April 11, 2002
I think that all questions should be allowed. When I see a question that
does not interest me, I simply skip it. That's why there's a subject
heading, so you know what it's about before you view the whole question.
The same applies to repeat questions. If I see one that I've seen before,
I skip it. And many times I see a repeat question that I'm still
interested in, so I get new answers and perspectives. There's no reason to
take away the poster's right to post a question, just because another
poster doesn't want to be inconvenienced by seeing a repeat question. We
should all have the right to post questions, just like we have the right to
skip reading certain questions. Besides, if we're never allowed to bring
up a previously posted subject, eventually there won't be any questions
left to ask about WLS. After all, WLS itself is a repeated subject on this
entire website. That's what's so great about AMOS, anything you need to
know, you can get the info here. As far as "teaching us to
fish", it's not up to one person to decide how best to teach us about
WLS. We should be able to research WLS in any way we choose, even if it's
on Q&A. The archives are great, but not perfect by a longshot. But I
do agree there should be some guides or banners about the archives for
those who are new to this site and not sure how it works. I also agree
that it would be great to have some fact-based articles, diagrams and
definitions to help newbies learn the WLS basics. Thanks for giving us the
opportunity to state our opinion on this subject. You guys are great!!
— Val D.
April 11, 2002
FAQ is great. List the questions and then have links to different answers.
I think the database search should be broadened and advanced to include
more string specific phrases rather than just a single word. I also agree
with the returning the opportunity to post questions anonymously. It's an
issue of privacy. Thanks for this site!
— [Deactivated Member]
April 11, 2002
Yes, actually I do find the repetitive questions annoying. Of course, I
feel that way because I'm ten months and about 136 pounds past my
operation, so it's easy for me to forget where I came from and how utterly
ignorant I was when I started out. My knowing the answer shouldn't empower
me to prohibit a "newbie" from asking the question. A FAQ page
might be nice. Making the Library more precise and easier to research might
be helpful. In the meantime, let's show the newcomers a little compassion.
— Chuck O.
April 11, 2002
As I move through the various stages of WLS (pre-op, new post-op, 6 months
out, etc.), I find questions on the Q&A that I never would have thought
of asking. I may then refer to the library to see if there are more
similar responses from past questions. If you cut out repetitive
questions, you may find that people don't get all the knowledge they need
because they may not know they need it. Of course, "I'm three weeks
out and on a plateau" questions can get really old, but I know if I
was the poster I'd want my questions answered. Perhaps questions with
rarely changing answers (e.g. what meds we can take after WLS, plateau
busters, etc.) should be referred back since it is unlikely there will be
new info gained.
— PT LawMom
April 12, 2002
I think a person has a two fold need when the ask a question. The first is
the simple need for information. This can easily be found in the library of
info. The second need is to know that they are not alone, that there are
others out there who care and are expereiencing the same thing. This need
would not be met by having their question deleted.
— Bobbie B.
April 12, 2002
I think since this is a learning journe- and all of us postops are
different. It is great as a new postop to read a question tht I didn't
evenkno I wanted to ask- MHO is to post all questions-regardless of
thanks for asking
— ~~Stacie~~
April 12, 2002
Again thanks for all the great comments!<P> Theres another issue of
concern. The library was originally created for reference of long term
questions. Occasionally something gets rejected because its interest, like
a tv show would not be of interest a month from now. Should such things be
approved and we mods could delete them later?
— bob-haller
April 12, 2002
I think if we could type in multiple search words to find what we are
looking for, instead of only being able to type in one word, like plateau -
that's gonna bring up a million responses, but if we could type in 6 month
plateau, that would help to eliminate the need for asking repetitive
— Melissa B.
April 12, 2002
On Anymous<P> I pushed for its removal because most unfriendly
replies were those from folks who were afraid to put their own name on
their hostile or hurtful posts. Such problems have seemingly disappeared
since the change. I HOPE Eric could fix the board so we can approve all
answers and bring back anymous. I have answered that way a few times myself
for personel reasons.. We mods can ONLY remove a bad answer but not prevent
it from appearing and causing problems.
— bob-haller
April 12, 2002
Yes! Bring on all the questions because it is so helpful to newbies even if
it is a repeat for us "old timers" We can always skip that
question if we are tired of answering it.Deb Holder
— Deb H.
April 12, 2002
I personally feel that if you with hold previously asked questions and
direct that person to the library for their answer, you will cause more
harm than good. I am like the others. I see questions I never thought to
ask or I skip over those that I have seen before, or I'll read the answers
and learn something else that is helpful to me. In a support group and
website I am in, the same thing is taking place. The post-ops are tired of
the same questions over and over again from pre-ops. They want to split the
meeting. Their answer to the rift is to let the pre-ops sit in on their
meeting, but are not allowed to take part. I don't know what they do if one
of the post-ops ask a previously answered question! Like the earlier post
to this question,if you only allowed a question once where would we be?
Please leave things as they are. You just don't know if it takes the 134th
time for a question to be asked for me to understand the answer! My surgery
is this Tuesday and I have a few questions that I know have been asked, but
gosh, darn...I like my name in blue!!! LOL
— Joy B.
April 12, 2002
I am a pre-op and obviously don't have all the answers. I don't have all
the questions,either, so all these posts help me. I'm the type of person
who needs to be WELL informed *before* I get to that stage, so I read what
others are going through. The heading of the question usually tells me if
I want to read it or not, so my vote is post the question.
— Gail G.
April 12, 2002
As a pending pre-op, I don't mind the repetitive answers because it's
reinforcement for me on several issues. The post-ops need to remember they
were on this side at one time. We are all anxious and excited, and wish to
be as well-informed as possible.
— Janelle G.
April 12, 2002
As some one new to the site, and knowing there are new people joining all
the time, I vote that the repeat questions are asked... because in the end,
the information is all good and people do not HAVE to answer anything....
I have to admit though, I always check for stuff when I think of a question
and so far have always found something and not needed to ask.
— Lisa C.
April 12, 2002
I don't think repeat questions hurt a thing. You always see new answers and
get some new perspective. I go through the Q & A section quite
carefully and fully appreciate the questions and answers given, no matter
how frequently seen.
— Marilyn S.
April 12, 2002
I also agree with Kevin that an FAQ section would be a great resource for
the site. Additionally, the archives would be much more usable if you could
search for word strings or word combinations and search in EITHER the
subject or response section. Most times so much information is returned
that 80% of it doesn't apply to what your questions is.
I had a question about breastfeeding after surgery and tried multiple
searches. When I searched on breastfeeding I saw only a couple matches, and
none of them had to do with breastfeeding after surgery. When I searched
under nursing I got a million matches, but 80% of them were referring to
nursing care. It is too difficult to make intelligent use of the great
store of information you have out there. That being said...a sincere thank
you for all your efforts on our behalf. I am addicted to the Q&A board
and read it everyday.
— Denise M.
April 12, 2002
Hi...I think an FAQ page, approved by a medical professional, might be a
good idea. Also regarding the library, better searching...I'm not sure
what that entails code-wise, but it would be better to search two or three
words at once instead of just one. It would refine the search and help
pinpoint the answer you're looking for. I think if the library had a
better search method it would be used more frequently. Thanks for all your
hard work, Bob and the other mods. Hugs, Joy
— [Deactivated Member]
April 12, 2002
I've visited this site almost every day since I started my journey back in
May 2002. As an eight week post-op, I still do. I use the library quite
frequently, and post quesitons about once every two to four weeks - maybe a
bit more immediately pre and post op. However all of us are in a constant
state of change, and thousands and thousands of us are in different stages.
Sometimes, you need a current, fresh perspective, or an opportunity to
connect with someone at the same place as you. Sometimes, people just need
someone to say to them, personally, that "it's going to be all
right" or "I know what you are going through". For many of
us, that's we can not get ANYWHERE but here. It doesn't hurt. I don't
mind seeing the same questions, and I don't mind answering them if it helps
someone in their journey. MOST IMPORTANTLY - I have a gripe. I love
having access to the library and find the infor there useful, but sometimes
it can be frustrating. It has super-duper low level search capabilites and
could probably be made a little more user friendly.
— PaulaM
April 12, 2002
I am 8 mos post op and am constantly reading the questions and answers. I
have learned so much along the way from even the questions asked alot.
There is always someone new answering questions, and you never know when
you will learn something new.
— Valerie M.
April 12, 2002
Hi Bob and other Mods.
First of all, thank you for all that you do. I am pre op ( april 29 is the
big day) and find myself at the qa section more than once a day. I think
that the postings of all apropriate questions is a good idea. The library
is also nice, but I really think sometimes the questions are also about
support. As I think everyone here knows, this process can soemtimes be
lonely and it is oh so good to know there are people that understand! AS
far as the anon. postings, I have had a question or two that I didin't ask
because I was emabrrased, though I also think that nasty responces should
be dealt with so this is a tough one. can the nasty responses be somehow
filtered out?
Just some thoughts.
Thanks again.
— Tracey L.
April 12, 2002
I like reading the questions and answers...I don't mind if they are
"repeats" or not.... there may be something I missed or wanted
to ask myself, but didn't think of it...
— Sandra T.
April 12, 2002
I think eventhough questions have been asked they haven't always been
answered. I have gone through the library for answers, the questions maybe
there but the answers are not. Let people ask away. Maybe its the library
that could be better organized and easier to search.
— Laurie B.
April 12, 2002
I've been answering Q&A here since the site was born & yes, the
repeats DO drive me nuts some days. BUT! AS someone said, fresh answers
help so much. My own answers are more informed today than they were 6
months or a year ago. I'd recommend that you send a standard disclaimer,
such as: "Your question is asked often and there are lots of answers
in our library at: (link) (make it easy, folks are scared when they're
new). We're posting your question so that any new answers will be directed
to you as well." Friendly, but does both AND informs the potential
answerers that they have already BEEN directed to the library. I am
recently involved on a site that is to do with a health problem of another
family member & I know NOTHING and am terrified for my loved one, OF
this disease & my normal thought processes don't work as well as they
should. Be patient with those who just signed up 15 minutes ago.
— vitalady
April 12, 2002
I have tried to post a question twice and it still hasn't made the question
board. please let me know why. I almost never post and my question isn't
asked alot.and my profil is public. thanks
— Bonnie S.
April 12, 2002
I was brand new to AMOS and to information on WLS in general when I
attempted to ask a question here. One of the moderators, (For obvious
reasons, I won't say who.) sent me a very curt email saying that my
question had already been answered many times before and that therefore,
this moderator refused to post my question. As I said, I was new and to
this day, I agree with the previous poster, I still find the library hard
to navigate. I felt really hurt by that rude email and almost didn't
return here. Therefore, I don't mind answering a question "for the
billionth time" as I sometimes have fresh information to add that I
did not know previously, especially concerning a personal experience of
mine. I have no objection to someone's being directed to the library as
well, but *kindly*, please!
— CaseyinLA
April 12, 2002
I don't mind answering repeats and the library is too confusing sometimes.
I hope you WILL post repeats, if people don't want to answer they don't
have to!!! Also I fell like new postings are some how more valid. Other
times if the subject doesn't match completly you can't access the library
info that you are looking for. Please keep allowing repeats.
— Jody Diou
April 12, 2002
Repetitive questions and fresh answers are good reinforcement
and the personal touch (response to individuals personal
questions) is always a good thing. I am on this Q&A board
often and the repeats don't bother me. If I don't want to
read the responses, I just don't. No harm done.
— Ann B.
April 12, 2002
As a pre-op, I feel that all questions should be allowed. A basic FAQ
section would eliminate questions about definitions and basic procedures,
etc. Then, let people ask all the other questions. I have looked
information up in the library and found just plain wrong information that
was correct at the time the question was asked, like old info on calcium
carbonate for example. If someone used that old information, they could be
causing themselves a problem. Also, new people bring fresh ideas. New
products are also available now that weren't previously and these can be
suggested when appropriate. Most importantly, since the library's search
only uses one word, it's almost impossible to narrow down the search enough
to get specific information.
My biggest issue is anonymous posting. I feel VERY strongly that people
should be able to ASK anonymous questions. In order to keep control of
insensitive answers, responses shouldn't be able to be anonymous. If the
question is of a sensitive nature, it is torture to have to expose
yourself. Someone who wants to answer kindly but still wants to stay
private can e-mail privately with the poster of the question.
To those of you that seem to be always answering questions and have been
around for a long time, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! You have busy lives and yet
you still answer all of our questions tactfully and honestly and us newbies
really need that!
— cjabates
April 12, 2002
Hi Bob. We need to keep the repetitive Q&A. I agree that a FAQ would be
awesome. The library is chock-full of info but it takes forever to navigate
thru it. Bring on the questions! Thanks for this site. Debbie
— Deborah F.
April 12, 2002
I think we need to allow repetative questions. I'm sure that most people
at least attempt to use the library first, but if we don't find exactly
what we're looking for, we should be able to ask again for new answers, as
there are so many NEW post-ops that can reply with new answers. Thanks for
giving us the opportunity to give feedback on this!!! You guys do a great
job! Keep up the good work.
— sunsect
April 12, 2002
I think a FAQ section is BADLY needed here at this site. No one knows the
questions that are repetitive better than the people who "run this
site" so why not set up a FAQ area? Until then I think the last thing
we want to do is show new people MORE PREJUDICE since we severely obese are
already so discriminated against! If I were a new person (which I basically
am) and the first contact I had with this site was a "snotty"
email, I would be terribly offended. To Colleen Casey Brooks, I'm SOOOO
sorry that one of the first experiences you had here was a negative one.
The site is so supportive and has such wonderful people. Please don't let
that one experience make you think everyone is like that. I think you'll
find most people here are very helpful and kind. I hope you receive an
apology from that person. To those people who "moderate" here;
please remember you were once new also.
— Renee M.
April 12, 2002
WHAT if the Mod went and found the previously answered question (the one
near identical to just asked question) and some how added the new question
to it (with new date & that person's name) and it showed up again
through the recently asked questions? Some questions have a new twist on
them. Some are repetative. I always try and clarify that I "have
searched the database" but sometimes my question is kind of different.
Any how- I would also like to see a SEARCH option on that database that
included more that one word. I think sometimes it is very hard to do the
search, you constantly have to use the back button and it gets very
frustrating when you are looking for something in particular.
— Karen R.
April 12, 2002
i don't mind reading the same questions over and over. i am fairly new to
all this and i sign on every single day to read the new questions.
sometimes different people will answer instead of the same people answering
all the time and it definately helps. by the way, this site is great and
thanks for all the hard work you guys do!!
— candymom64
April 12, 2002
I certainly don't mind repeat questions. I'm sure I've asked a few myself.
I think that getting YOUR question answered is very validating especially
to a new member. Also, if a person is very afraid or very misinformed etc.,
they can be reached through email for more 1/1 dialogue.
— Donna L.
April 12, 2002
I don't remind repeat questions at all. Some thoughts to consider are that
different people come to this site all the time and an answer maybe given 6
months ago might have a different perspective today or differing thoughts
based on new ideas, etc. Many times are questions on diet, what works,
what doesn't, product specific things, info on Docs, etc. and these things
can change often anyhow. As this site grows too by the numbers of people
participating, the input and possible solutions for us increases also. So
I for one would hope you would not hold posts but rather let us see any and
all inputs that come through in this regard. Many thanks for all you do!
— AJC750
April 12, 2002
Well first off I attempted to ask this question in a unbiased manor. I
didnt want the tone of my post to affect the direction of the discussion.
Its a rule to not approve duplicates, made years ago by Eric the site
owner. I think this Q&A has moved beyond being a library which it was
originally designed to be to a support service. I found myself breaking
the no duplicate rule for all the good reasons you folks have stated. As I
saw the number of withhelds increase I decided to take this matter public.
I have always been a stir the pot kinda person when I feel something needs
changed. I certinally hope all of your comments get this rule reversed.
Rejecting any post from a new post op is bad, I watched the tough time my
wife Jen went thru after surgery, with me here. Some unfortunate posters
have no one and withholding their posts... I just cant do it. I must point
out we mods are here to adminster the rules, not make them.
— bob-haller
April 12, 2002
I love the Q&A board and read through it daily. I like reading through
fresh answers, even if they are to repetitive questions, because there is
usually new insight, new perspectives, and new medical findings that were
not posted previously. I think that every question should be posted,
repetitive or not, and then after awhile, someone can decide which old
postings can be deleted (such as outdated information and modern interests
like current tv shows, celebrities, or any other hype that will soon be
faded from our minds). Having people answer your question makes you each
feel like you are getting special attention and support from others. Even
if the question has been asked before, you always feel like your question
is somewhat unique and the answers mean more to you. I say let people ask
— Kelly M.
April 12, 2002
Thanks Bob and all you other moderators for the work that you do. Being a
systems administrator myself I understand that this comes down to a
question of system resources. This is a great site, but it is very dated
technologically. The FAQ suggestion is an outstanding one. This needs to
be done badly. The library, well, it just plain sucks. We need to be able
to reference more than one word. I put in a word and I get a whole page
full of stuff that has nothing to do with my subject just because the word
is in there somewhere. I think all questions should go thru, items of a
timely nature (tv references and such) can be deleted when the item is no
longer relevant (90 days?) I would think that alot of old questions could
be archived or just plain deleted from the library, especially if they are
chronic re-peaters. The only questions that annoy me are the "Has
anyone been approved with XXX ins." and questions of those types.
Those get old and since every case is different based on the employer
paired with the ins. carrier, it's doubtful anyone can be especially
helpful. However, I just ignore those questions so they don't really hurt
my experience any. Finally, regarding the annymous postings - BRAVO!! I
was getting so angry seeing so many negative responses from cowards.
Please don't change that.
— Danielle M.
April 12, 2002
If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Going to that library can be comparable
to going into a mine field (especially to a newbie). Instead of spending
time reading, monitoring, censoring and then denying people's questions,
perhaps the library could be organized in a better fashion. I was honestly
a little annoyed with this question anyway. No one should be censored.
Developing a FAQ link is wonderful. But no one should be denied. WE will
decide if we want to answer the question for the billionth time. After all
this is OUR site, isn't it? I hate to sound cynical of this site, because
I am not. I love this site and am grateful to Eric and others that donate
their valuable time to improve this site. Not only Eric and the
moderators, but the Michelle Currans, Barb Days and other long term posties
who remain loyal to this site. After we lost our weight, we could've rode
off into the sunset. But these people stayed around to help others. MANY
OTHERS! NOw the people that they've helped are ready to help the newbies.
I think it's their duty to do so. If one choses not to answer a question
because it's been repeated many times, so be it. That's our choice. But
please don't make up our minds for us.
— Jeannet
April 12, 2002
I agree with some other posters. The fact of the matter is that even if
someone else has asked the same or a similar question to yours doesn't mean
that the answers are satisfactory. I have read practically the entire
library, but sometimes there are only one or two posts to answer a
question. If someone is trying to get feedback from new people, posting
the same question again can be very helpful. Maybe only repost those
questions that do not have very definitive answers already in the library.
Like, maybe for example not to let someone repost a question asking about
the difference between a proximal and distal bypass, since there are very
specific answers already in the database. But as for questions asking
things like if people needed plastic surgery after their loss or if tattoos
have gotten weird, for example, these sort of questions can have new input
for every new person who views the question.
— Jennifer Y.
April 12, 2002
I have suggested and still hope this board is updated to infopop or
something similiar. We could have categories, like meal planning, recipes,
newbies, or whatever and the best oe of all. Our computers would remember
our user name and password. That with a better search feature would help a
lot. FAQ needed badly.
— bob-haller
April 12, 2002
Personally, as an individual who is pre-op and still researching, I have
had several recent posts that were denied. In my mind they were not
duplicates, but because they deal with an issue talked about in a different
light it is perceived as repetitive. However, the library is only helpful
to an extent. I can understand why obesityhelp does not want the questions
to be so overwhelming, but if all posts are approved does it take up a lot
of space? I am just curious. If that is the case, I can understand. If not,
then why not allow us to post and if no-one wants to answer then who is it
— Michelle H.
April 12, 2002
How about a site only search engine? That seems like the easiest and most
efficient way. If the library were searchable it would make it easier on
pre-ops and posties.
— Laura B.
April 12, 2002
Before posting a question, I always try to utilize the other
catogories-library & insurer category since I am pre-op. However, the
fact that there are no dates as to when the insurer info is posted & no
dates next to library question/answer section, is rather frustrating &
time consuming. Library--I have to click on "view question" to
find out if this info was posted 2 years ago or 2 weeks ago. Insurer info
doesn't list posters name/profile so I can get updated info on how their
situation turned out. The Q&A board is most current & I can find
several different answers, opinions & info from those repetitive
questions. And what happened to posting anonymously? Some issues/questions
can be to the point of so personal & embarrassing, yet some answers to
questions are longed to be desired. I've withheld questions since
"anonymous" posting has been eliminated. I feel that somewhat
defeats the feeling of being comfortable at the website. But I still love
this website more than you know.
— mary V.
April 12, 2002
I DONT MIND THE REPEATS! I think the reason that I dont is because I am in
"Insurance Approval Land", a place no one wants to go, yet no one
wants to leave! Any insight that might help me to fly off to greener
pastures.. I am soo down!!! This is a great site. The more honest the
— Tara J.
April 12, 2002
bob i wouldnt mind repeat questions if they come from new members. when i
was a new member i wasnt too sure how to navigate this site & didnt
understand the library. so im sure i asked a repeat question or 2. it may
be the same for other newbies.
— sheryl titone
April 12, 2002
There are lots of good suggestions about what technically to do about the
repetitive questions in the previous posts, Bob. I'm not enough of a geek
to know what to suggest in a technical way, but as someone who remembers
what it was like to feebly wobble about the virtual neighborhood, it was
nice to know that ANYTHING I wanted to ask about was likely to receive a
response, and usually a pretty well-informed response. As to anonymous
posters, I say keep'em out. Negativity was a definite characteristic of
what my memory says was most of them, and the one thing we don't need more
of is negativity! IMHO, I think that an FAQ page would be a stellar
addition to what is already a wonderful site. Much obliged to you, and the
other moderators and site creators for all you have done and continue to
do. -- Margie B
— Marjorie B.
April 13, 2002
I'm relatively new here; I've been posting and reading for a about a month.
What I've noticed is that each question asked has a fairly short lifespan.
Depending on the time of the day and the current level of traffic, a new
question remains in the "top 10" or the "top 20" for
less than a day, and often for just a few hours. Once it drops out of the
top 20, many fewer people notice it, and responses drop off almost
immediately. I've even tried to figure out how to "time" my
question to generate the maximum numbers of responses before disappearing
into obscurity. (TIP: Questions asked in the middle of the day seem to get
the most responses. The late-night questions often scroll off before
everyone gets home from work the following afternoon.) So, as a newbie, I
welcome repeat questions -- I learn something new with each iteration. And
yes, I have searched the library exhaustively. It's a tedious process, but
I've literally read thousands of Q&As from the library, including every
single post (I think) that has anything to do with pouch size. And guess
what? I'm <i>still</i> hoping that someone will ask another
question about pouch size soon so that I can read even more opinions! The
library has lots of useful information, but by asking the question again
new, you get 1) new responses from new members; 2) the most current
information and updates from other members; 3) off-board responses from
people who e-mail you privately; and 4) personal support, including the
opportunity to connect with others who are having a particular problem or
question at the same moment you're having it. The solution to this
"repeat" issue clearly isn't to ban repetitive questions, but to
make the existing information easier to access. An FAQ would be a great
start, but a complete re-haul of the library programming is what is really
needed. At a minimum, the library should be organized with new search
options. I would like the ability to search and sort results by date and by
multiple keywords, and that shouldn't be too difficult to add. Of course, I
do realize that even small changes take somebody's time and energy to
implement. (I maintain several data-driven web sites myself, so I know what
it's like to have an email box full of requests for new & improved
features to program. You just smile and say "yes, good idea" as
you add it to the bottom of your massive to-do list!). Since I'm sure no
one is getting paid to maintain this site (or at least not much), I
understand that changes will happen slowly. If I ever get some of that
elusive "free time", I've been meaning to volunteer to help out
the web team here. Maybe in my post-op life! So, to all of those who do
volunteer their time already to help out the rest of us, <b>THANK
— Tally
April 13, 2002
— Tally
April 13, 2002
I say bring on the questions!!!! A lot of the repetative
questions are from people new to this forum. If they are
like me, they do not know how to navigate to all the available
info here. It took me quite a while to learn my way around the
site. As my dear old granny used to say, " there are no dumb
questions!!" Anyway, we all have the choice as to whether we
answer or not.
April 13, 2002
I think all duplicate questions should be allowed. If the same question
was asked say 2 months ago, there may be different people answering this
time. I am still pre-op, but never mind seeing repeat questions. I
believe I've asked them before as well. Thanks for all your hard work!
— emilyfink
April 13, 2002
Something else I wanted to add: I think questions should be allowed to be
asked anonomously but not answered that way. There are some questions that
deal with sensitive issues such as sexuality, bathroom functions, etc. that
one may not ask if they have to sign their name. Anonymous answers are
usually negative and should continue to be against the rules.
— Laura B.
April 13, 2002
Hi. I just wanted to say, as a pre-op ... the daily questions have been
invaluable to me, for information. The Q&A board is my first stop the
minute I get home from work, as I hope to read something I haven't seen
before, or to re-answer questions I've asked and then forgotten.
I know it may be boring for the folks that have been here awhile, but it is
so very important to the pre-op and newly post-op crowd.
I haven't ever seen anyone post a complaint about the repetitive questions,
just an abundance of support and honesty. Grouping questions together in a
"already been asked" category may leave people confused and they
may not get the specific answer needed, and sometimes people just want to
be heard. After being overweight since my early teens and treated as if I
were invisible, I would GLADLY re-answer questions for folks that need to
be heard.
— blank first name B.
April 14, 2002
I am pre-op and I have learned so much. I really don't mind seeing the
repetitive questions because there are a variety of answers and you can
pick and choose which is right for you. I think people should be able to
post what ever questions they feel is necessary and get answers to it as
long as it is appropriate. The questions and answers have given me lots of
things to ask my doctor and lots of things to ask my dietician and I go on
everyday to read. I don't go into the library because I don't have time to
read the current questions and look at old ones also. THANKS FOR LISTENING
TO MY OPINION!!!!!!!!!!!!!
— Dawn L.
April 15, 2002
I don't mind the repetitive questions. Often someone has a question they
want a personal response to, without having to go back and try to find them
in old responses. I found that was true with me both post- and pre-op, and
I appreciated the feeling that I was getting the answers from people
responding to my particular question. We're all in this together, so I feel
as long as people are willing to answer, I have no problem with it. Thanks
for listening!
— Mary Ellen W.
April 16, 2002
I also think the repetative questions should be allowed. Many questions
have few or no answers the first or more times around. It may get awfully
repetative at times, but the top 10 or 20 questions do move very fast--if
you're off the site a few days, it's all new questions. I also think it
should be OK to allow anonymous posters if the board is monitored such that
rude or inappropriate posts are deleted fairly quickly. Some things are
very hard to ask if your full name is attached... I know I have answered
difficult & personal questions anonymously that I probably would not
answer with my name attached.
— Kathy W.
April 16, 2002
I really don't mind the repetitive ?'s. Sometimes things ARE hard to finf
in the library, and often questions are missed the first go round. Anyone
this bothers should just go over that question. I do miss anon posting, as
it encourages us to ask some , er, ackward questions. But I think harassing
anon post should NOT be allowed, this a support board. Donna in AL
— Donna S. C.
April 17, 2002
Well I am the moderator who asked this question. Despite the OVERWHELMING
response JC has ordered to continue withholding duplicates. I truly have no
idea what to say.
— bob-haller
April 17, 2002
Hey Bob- maybe you can give us JC's email and we can send our request
(overwhelmingly) for duplicate posts directly to him/her maybe it will
chage her mind!
— ~~Stacie~~
April 17, 2002
Actually I am finding that I visit this site less often now that there
aren't so many questions asked. I have been disappointed coming back here
time and again to find that there are no new questions on the board, new or
repeat. Its been kind of a let down after reading EVERY question for over
a year now. I miss them. The Q&A board seems kind of quiet now with
very little activity. That board is the one that I have utilized the most
from the whole site. I'm not a message board person, I'm a Q&A person,
I don't know why. I just know that I miss the questions. Please bring
them back. Wake up and shake up the AMOS!! Please.
— Cheri M.
April 17, 2002
Not only was the ONLY question I ever submitted
(in 13 months post op) NOT posted (not sure why, it was not
repetitive). But the Q&A here has become dull. Not a lot of
questions at all. That may be why a group of my surgeons' patients have
created their own WLS page, with a Q&A where ALL questions are
welcome. It'll be interesting to see how popular that web site gets!
— Maureen S.
April 17, 2002
JCs email is [email protected] <P> You might also mail
[email protected]. <P> I am only doing this to help the
posters. As you can see I feel very strongly refering repeats to the
library is wrong.
— bob-haller
April 17, 2002
I have the same feelings about this as you Maureen and many others. I have
asked several questions on here...and many were accepted, but recently
several were refused. One of them was a question I had never asked before
at all, not even the name of the surgery except for the word
"band" was included. However, it was a different type of surgery
all together, and the question was nowhere in the database. This is a great
site, and in order to keep it that way, things may need to be more
flexible. Also, I think that by getting rid of time dated questions it
would be helpful, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be posted. Perhaps
more than one question forum could be introduced. One for support, and one
for the library.
— Michelle H.
April 17, 2002
Well personally I think that if you don't want to read or respond to a
repeated question, THEN DON'T. Not everyone joins this site at the same
time, so there are constantly new solutions and suggestions to the same old
questions. I have only been on here a few months and I enjoy reading the
new answers to old questions. The only stupid question is the unasked one.
Besides, unless I'm ready to spend a GOOD amount of time looking up the 500
million possibilites a question could be listed under, I'd rather just ask.
— Paula Prichard
April 17, 2002
Hi Bob, You are such a caring person! I feel all questions should be
posted as long as they are within guidelines. It is a morale booster to
ask a question and have responses. This is what support is all about. If
somebody is worn out from answering the same repetitive questions, then
they don't have to respond. It is up to the individual. Still, everyone
should have a chance to ask their question and hopefully get feedback from
another. Perhaps the poster could be directed to the library and still
have their question posted??? One other thing.......I would like to see
anonymous questions again. There are some questions that people just won't
ask if their name is used. It is understandable since this is a public
forum. I personally have a question that I would love to ask but it is so
personal in nature, I want to be anonymous. So I just wait and hope
somebody else will ask. Will be ever see anonymous questions again? Hope
this is not too repetitive!!! I think a survey should be taken about this
issue. I would be willing to bet that most of us want anonymous option
again. Thanks!
— Marilyn C.
April 17, 2002
— Laurie V.
April 17, 2002
i know that peple want support but theirs a message board for support. i
just looked at plateus and there are questions about them at 2 weaks post
op, 4 weaks, 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 12 weaks and on and on. that makes it very
hard to dig threw to find what your looking for. some ?s seam to be here
every few days its like no one ever reads when they post there question to
look for an answer in the libary first.
— kristie V.
April 17, 2002
Not only are duplicates still being rejected but if someone posts the same
question to the message board and Q&A here the one for this board is
rejected as well... I wonder about this policy since some folks only hang
out at one board or the other.... What do all of you think about this?
— bob-haller
April 17, 2002
I am sure JC has a reason for these policies. I wish she would let us in
on them. Would we wind up with 300 questions of lap vs open. What does
she forsee as the problems. I don't possess enough wisdom to comment on the
annonymous posts and legal ramifications.
— faybay
April 18, 2002
In my opinion, the policy currently in place isn't being implemented
consistently. There are three current questions regarding plastic surgery
I've seen many times in the past. Whatever policy is chosen, it should be
implemented consistently. I still believe an improved search function and
FAQ section would help out greatly.
— [Deactivated Member]
April 18, 2002
I feel that you should post repeat questions from NEW posters; when you are
just starting out - your nerves are raw - and you need to feel your are
part of the Association and that your concerns have value.
— connie m
April 18, 2002
Well, Bob, I'm glad you asked. Here's exactly what you should do. Keep
posting the same questions over and over. What's the big deal? We all
know the library is there. What most of us WANT is interaction, not to
have to do research to get a reply. Everyone is at a different stage of
the journey. But at each stage, we all need that interaction....we need
someone there for us "right now". There is always someone
willing to reply, even if they've answered the same question before. Or
would you rather log on some day and instead of seeing hundreds of
questions, just see a handful, because everyone has been referred to the
library? It all comes full circle. Let it continue the way it is. It's a
no-brainer. That's what we're all here for. This is my ONLY support
group. Sometimes I seek advice, sometimes I give advice, and I never mind
repetition. Warm regards,
— blank first name B.
April 18, 2002
Just thought I'd weigh in on this question. I think that duplicate
questions should be referred to the Library with a LINK to the proper area
for that particular question -- then they can quickly find the answers
given before. I do enjoy answering new questions or those with a little
different slant -- but the repetitive ones do get tiring in light of the
knowledge that the questioner has taken the easy route of NOT checking the
library and then clicking past the areas that ask them if they did check
the library (white lie??) and asking anyway. Really, if we don't do some
of our own research, we won't find as much information as is available out
there. But, whatever -- I think we've all been censored here for one
reason or another -- and we must remember that this is not a public
website -- it is privately run but open to the public -- there is a
difference so I don't think we should get so upset about whatever those in
charge decide. And yes, to whoever asked, this is a free country and you
can feel free to go to any other website or start your own -- but this one
is very good and the information is there if you want to look it up. Best
wishes and happy losing!
— Cindy H.
April 18, 2002
Personally, I like as many opinions as I can get. I search many times to
find the answers to my questions, but sometimes there may be new people who
have recently undergone what I want to know about and they may not have
been able to answer an older question, but now they can. So, here is a
person with new info. that might help my problem. Also, sometimes the
questions in the library seem the same, but are really slightly different.
I need to hear what people think about my particular situation!
— Michele :.
April 18, 2002
Ok, this is what I think would be fair. I have already posted my opinion on
this and tried to write the people that run the website. Of course, I never
heard anything.
I am sure by now they don't like me very much. I think that if anyonymous
posting is returned, and someone puts down a very rude response then the
rude responses should be deleted. But, I really don't know how that works.
Also, like another poster said... THIS IS AMERICA. With all our other
freedoms taken away because of our weight, why shouldn't we be able to
speak our minds within reason on this website, and find answers to our
questions? My real concern is this...what makes a question a duplicate?
Another poster said they should be referred to the library with a post or
something. Well, the thing is, if your question is not in the library yet
it is still denied because the moderators say it is a duplicate...How does
this work? IT makes no sense at all. It is not fair, and it is not equal.
As for going to other websites, I come here. But, I don't find it to be of
much help. I am discouraged. When people start getting discouraged and move
to other forums maybe things will change around here.
— Michelle H.
April 18, 2002
I now respectfully thank everyone, no matter their view for their comments.
JC, Tammy and the site owners are presently preoccupieds with a dying
family member. I am sure they would of addressed this issue by now if it
werent for this. PLEASE drop this subject for now! lets see what the site
owners decision is when they get back. Contiuning posts espically bad
remarks about the moderators will FOR SURE get this entire thread deleted.
Personally I feel it will be more effective for Eric and others to see it
here than reading a copy from someones email.<P> PLEASE stop posting
now its in EVERYONES BEST INTEREST! <P> As soon as I hear anything I
will post to this thread. In the mean time let it die PLEWASE!
— bob-haller
April 19, 2002
Ok, boys, simmer down. Let's try to show a little patience with each
other. I personally skip the repetitive questions and only focus on those
things I am interested in. At times it is apparent that someone skipped
the library as the question they ask has been asked (often numerously)
times before. However, I figure they are new people who are overwhelmed by
the volume of information and figure the simplest thing to do is get the
freshest responses. However, I can also see the sites point of view. We
are probably getting overwhelmed with the memory requirements for the
volume of data being stored. Perhaps we could find some nice compromise,
for instance, deleting duplicates once they have been posted for 1 year in
the library. Just a suggestion. Meanwhile, I have broken my three month
plateau, dropping 14 pounds in the last 3 weeks now weighing in at 280, and
having lost 214 big ol' pounds of fat. I will be two months post op in
May. Cool, huh?
— merri B.
April 19, 2002
Errrrr, make that two YEARS post op in May...time flies when you're having
fun, but not that quickly!
— merri B.
April 19, 2002
Very great news! From the email I just received it appears duplicate
postings and anymous will be accomodated! Thankss VERY MUCH to everyone who
helped with this effort. Look for a official news soon!
— bob-haller
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