NWH won't even see me for a consult if I keep smoking, anyone else have this happen?

   — Tammie A. (posted on April 8, 2002)

April 8, 2002
Yes, my doctor's staff told me the same thing. I asked my sister who is a nurse and she said it has to do with the surgery. It is harder for smoker's to come off the vent and smokers do not heal as well as non smokers. I may be wrong but that is what she told me.
   — Meredith L.

April 8, 2002
My surgeon is the same way. He won't operate if you smoke.
   — Brenda S.

April 8, 2002
My Doctor never even asked if I smoked. I had a cigarette 1 hour before my surgery. I had no problems with recovery due to smoking. I did quit for about 3 months after surgery then started up again. Stupid stupid stupid thing to do.
   — C. L.

April 8, 2002
I wonder if this could be due to a higher chance of blood clots? Just a thought.
   — ScatCat

April 8, 2002
Probably due to blood clot possibility and just generally congested lungs, making it more difficult to breathe and cough. I have seen others say that if you're having this surgery to be healthier, then why not stop smoking also? And yes, I did smoke for 20 years so I do know how tough it is to quit. I did it 15 years ago and have never regretted it.
   — garw

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