Has anyone been told no by the psychiatrist, and needed 3 months of therapy?

I am really disappointed, but I do believe I can use some help, he feels I would not be able to commit to the diet required to follow and would lose weight but probley not long term at this time. has anyone else had to complete counseling? did they get approved?    — meechi33823 (posted on March 26, 2002)

March 26, 2002
My HMO requires a psych evaluation and follow-up psychotherapy visits (with regular reports back to the HMO) for anybody seeking approval for WLS. I have the same concern that Ava expressed -- how can therapy possibly be effective when the therapist holds such power over you? I've basically decided to go to two different therapists -- one for real help with making this huge decision and working on my issues, and the other for the formal evaluation and whatever follow-up sessions will be required by insurance. It's ridiculous and expensive, but I don't see another alternative. I know myself well enough to realize that I just can't use the same person for both purposes.
   — Tally

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