Do Burn Centers really need skin donations?

My Mother-in-Law in AL wants me to try to donate skin. She has worked with burned children, and believes there is a shortage of skin for grafts. She thinks they will give a tummy tuck in exchange for a lot of skin. Has anyone else heard this?    — Lois Tabitha F. (posted on March 12, 2002)

March 12, 2002
Maybe this was true at one time, or maybe it's just an urban myth, but at this time no one wants the skin or will give you a free tummy tuck to get it. I can't remember the website, I think maybe it was the shriners, that talked about this and said it isn't true. There are synthetics they use that do better jobs with less chance of rejection while they somehow stretch the skin of the person to eventually take over. Sorry
   — Becky K.

March 12, 2002
this explains and answers your exact question in detail :)
   — Laurie B.

March 12, 2002
A Plastic Surgeon that was in the AMOS chat room a few weeks ago said that skin donation in exchange for reduced fees is a myth. He said that burn units can get all the skin they need from cadavers.
   — Joelle B.

March 12, 2002
I live in Birmingham, AL, I too called around inquiring about donating skin. They said that they use cadavers skin, because they need the skin very thin, so thin, that you can actually see through it for burn patients. I used to work at the National Institutes of Health in Rockvill, Maryland, I am searching to see if they would consider using donated skin for research purpose.
   — LaVerne C.

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