Has anyone had thier PCP refuse to give them a referal for surgeon?
I went to see my PCP and explained the whole WLS thing to him and why I would like to have the surgery. That was a quick no! Said it was too risky, instead he upped my Thyroid meds and changed my deppression med. to see if this would help me loose weight. Anyone have any sugestions as to where to go from here??? I don't want to be fat anymore!!! — Michelle W. (posted on March 11, 2002)
March 11, 2002
You might try to educate your PCP. Take in the information from the NIH
(put that in a search engine, it should come out). Several years ago, they
issued a position that WLS should be considered for people who are MO.
There is information on this site also. Another option is to change your
PCP. If you have chosen a surgeon, you might ask him which PCPs have
referred to him.
— garw
March 11, 2002
I am 5'3" and weigh 281 lbs and gaining. My PCP said I wasn't fat
enough. That this procedure was for people who weigh at least 300lbs. I
guess because I carry my weight well I must be punished for it. I am lucky
though and with my insurance I really don't need a referral from my PCP.
However, I went to my old PCP, " The man who told me I was just lazy
and needed to run" and he he wrote me a letter of recommendation. So
if all else fails check around in your area and find a WLS friendly doctor
and switch. Good Luck in your search.
— Emile N.
March 11, 2002
hi michelle i would say get another pcp asap start searching and maybe
you could call there offices and feel them out just ask do you support wls
and if they dont you know you havent wasted your time with them im sure
youll be able to find a pcp who supports it :) mine did thank god but if
she wouldnt have i was full ready to say "SEE YA " lol good luck
to you
— carrie M.
March 11, 2002
This may sound out of the ordinary, but I went to the patient advocate at
the surgeon I choose, and asked for references of PCP's that work well with
their office. I don't want to have to convince everyone I see of the
validity of MY decision, especially if they have pre-concieved notions
about WLS. Perhaps this will work for you as well.
— Jennifer L.
March 13, 2002
I was denied by my PCP twice. I think he was just uneducated and thought
that it was just "the regular old stomach stapling." He even
said that there was no way my insurance would cover it. I had been looking
into surgeons and found one I liked so I called his office. I explained my
situation to them and they gave me about 10 names of doctors in my area
that had referred patients. You might want to try that. DO NOT GIVE UP!!
I found out in two days if I am approved or not. I have been waiting 8
months, but it has been worth it.
— Carol E.
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