No spouse--must find carrier outside hmo options at work. Waiting period?

I'm single and my insurance is hopeless. I'm willing to change, pay more for it to get coverage for WLS. But can that even be done? What about weight as pre-existing condition?    — [Anonymous] (posted on February 24, 2002)

July 27, 2005
I understand what you mean... I'm a student, don't have insurance and I just tried to apply for Blue Cross of california and they denied me because of my weight. They said that if I dropped to 222 and stayed there for 6 months with Dr documentation, they'd approve me, otherwise I could only get the PPO at 50% more than anyone else my age would pay. I don't want the PPO because they require a deductible AND 20% of the surgery cost. So, I don't know what I'm going to do, apply for coverage elsewhere and look for a job that has benefits... that way they can't NOT insure me. Good luck.
   — LawGirl

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