How can u keep from looking older after surgery?

I am afraid of looking real old after surgery. I am 48 and I am afraid of getting sunken around the eyes, loose skin on face and neck area. Need to loose 100 #. Any other older ladies have advice to share, pic. I am doing lots of vit before surgery to help prevent it but I am worried. Thanks    — sandy W. (posted on February 21, 2002)

February 20, 2002
I had lap surgery 03-20-01, at that time I was 49, now I am 50 yrs old. People are telling me that I look younger. I have lost 97 lbs to date. I always thought that weight made you look older
   — LaVerne C.

February 21, 2002
My pix are on my site at I'm sure the freckles help the "younger" look, but aside from that, I'm certain the protein supps & specific vites I've taken have put the tone in my skin. I'm 52, my surgery was 7+ y rs ago. I was a bit a saggy & gaunt about 1 yr post-op, but then time & nutritional balance firmed it up quite a bit. I did have TT and such, but I assume you're talking neck & face, stuff like that?
   — vitalady

February 21, 2002
I am almost 1 year post-op and am 47 years old. I was told when obese that I had a young face. I had so much fat that kept the wrinkles away. The fat is gone from my face now and I do have lines I didn't have before. I do know that I smile alot more now causing these lines to appear. I am happy to have my laugh lines and some people have told me I do look younger. I think I do look older but I really don't care. I'm healthy and happy with myself for the first time. I don't plan on having any more surgeries for my face or the excess skin that I have accumulated. Even at 47 years old I did not have alot of excess skin. Good luck!
   — Janie C.

February 22, 2002
Go back in time. Or lie. As far a others are concerned, I'm 20.
   — Goldilauxx B.

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