My BMI is 51, can I still have laparoscopic surgery?

   — funnygerl (posted on February 18, 2002)

February 18, 2002
Mine was 51 and the lap was fine. It depends on your surgeon's skill, and how much of your weight is in your stomach. I had a lot of weight in the bottom stomach (below belly button). I was fine. Good luck and God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

February 18, 2002
My BMI was close to 60 and I had LAP with no problemos!! :)
   — Carey N.

February 18, 2002
HI mine was 52 and I'm 5'4'' I think it depends on the amount of weight you have to lose and how big the stomach area is. Best of luck...TW
   — Tisha W.

February 18, 2002
I think so much depends on your surgeon. My BMI was 61, and my surgeon wouldn't do lap on me. He said he was more comfortable performing open on someone of my size. Darnit! Took a lot longer to recover from open than it would have taken if I'd had lap.
   — Terissa R.

February 18, 2002
I agree with Terissa, it depends on your surgeon. My surgeon told me he doesn't operate on those over 300lbs. That is his choice and not the choice of all surgeons. Please talk to your surgeon. He may feel you are a good candidate :)
   — LynneSteinmetz

February 18, 2002
I think my BMI was a little higher. I was 355 pounds. The Dr. did a Lap with no problem. I guess it depends on the Dr. I was afraid he would have to open but was happily suprised when I woke up.
   — hessie28

February 18, 2002
I had a BMI of 67 and had my RNY done Lap on Jan 8 this year. I had no problem. My surgeon was Dr Steven Simon at Robert Packard Hospital in Sayre Pa. he specializes in Lap procedure. It is not your size that determines the type of procedure, it is the skill of your physician. Look for a Lap specialist. I am going back to work tomorrow. I only have a couple of scabs left and I am a diabetic and do not heal quickly.
   — roseann A.

February 18, 2002
I had lap, weighed 370 and had a bmi of 54
   — Robert L.

February 18, 2002
My daughter's BMI was 68 and she had a very successful lap RNY. Everything depends on the experience and expertise of the surgeon, as well as the availability of longer tools (laparascopes) to accomodate larger patients. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

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