Can anyone tell me how many carbs proteins and fats post ops are to have.

I would appreciate any help.How many calories is a 9 month post op supposed to have. Also if you can tell me how many carbs proteins and fats you are supposed to have. Thanks for your help.    — Dalena M. (posted on February 12, 2002)

February 12, 2002
Well it is clear every surgeon is different. My post op paperwork says.... at LEAST 65grms protein, less than 100grm carbohydates(I keep this around 50mg) Fats...around 30grms....... I feel that we all need a small amount of does my doc... and there are a lot of carbs in fruit.... I stay away for pasta, rice, bread and cereals.. Your weight loss will be fast to keep the carbs and fat calorie intake per day.... 650 to 900... this will change over time to 900 to 1500 a day... good luck and my best to you!
   — Pamela W.

February 12, 2002
My doctor said to go easy on the carbs but did not ban them. He said to go for the protein first and then get most carbs through veggies. I have a piece of multi-grain bread toasted once a day...I usually put peanut butter or tuna on it and its a meal. I can finish about 3/4 of it. That satisfies the bread lover in me and tastes great. I also usually have a protein smoothie in the morning in which I use a handful of unsweetened frozen fruit. I feel these are healthy choices and I'm quite happy with my progress.
   — Donna L.

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