RNY Laps, how long until you could.....

Drive a car? Go back to exercising (mine is water aerobics)? Start more intensive excerise (weight training, etc.)? Take care of a 2-year old (lifting, etc)? Do the household "stuff" - laundry, groceries, cleaning? Thanks for all answers - trying to plan the post-op period so that no area is left unturned!    — Sarah C. (posted on February 11, 2002)

February 10, 2002
Read my profile, I kept a diary so it would anser questions like yours. I had the same ones pre op. Everyone is different, having surgery agreed with me.I walked 1.3 miles on my one week anniversary and returned to work part time a day or so after that. Didnt get back to normal for nearly a month. Good luck your beginning a incredible journey, Once surgery is over POST OP IS THE PLACE TO BE!
   — bob-haller

February 10, 2002
HI! Just had my lap RNY on the 16th of Jan. I came home on Friday the 18th and was pretty out of it that weekend. My husband had to leave on my one week anniversary so from then on out I was on my own. I didnt really start to feel good till about 10 days after. I drove on the 10th day and my dr cleared me for strenght training, under 10 pounds, on the 2 week ann. I would follow dr recommendations on lifting, but at almost a month out I did help my friends 4 year old out of a shopping cart the other day. They just want you to avoid using those stomach muscles. I did wear out easy at first, I could go grocery shopping but I wasnt really ready to go all day shopping or anything like that..started cleaning a week out...good luck to you!!
   — kittycat

February 10, 2002
Hi Sarah, I had my Lap RNY on Nov 5th, I am probably not the best one to post an answer to your question since I was riddled with complications but I have a 2 year old and a 4 year old so I thought I should try to answer.. I was pretty tired and pretty weak for the first 2 weeks, I couldn't pick up the girls, but I was able to do things like dishes. My poor husband had to pick up the slack for about 4 weeks. I would say that I felt really good around the 6 week mark(that is 6 weeks after my second surgery), I started walking 30 mins at that point and taking my vitamins which really helped with my energy. I had a hard time lift anything that worst part for me it felt like I was ripping inside so don't try to lift that baby to early( easier said then done) But 6 weeks and I think you will feel well enough to do everyhting. Good Luck and I will put you in my prayers.
   — Krista B.

February 10, 2002
I started getting out and walking at 5 days post-op, but did it after my half-dose of pain med set in. And I only started with about 1/2 mile. I followed my doc's orders when it came to lifting. I was restricted to lifting no more than 10 lbs. for 6 weeks. I weighed a gallon of milk just for kicks and it weighed 10 lbs. It was easier to pick up the milk than trying to vacuum. For some reason the repetitive motion of 'pulling back' on the vacuum made me sore, so I refrained until about week 6. I would let your 2 y/o climb up next to you for closeness. Really try to find ways around picking him/her up. I drove at about 3 weeks out. Started circuit training about 8 weeks. You will have to check with your doctor on the water aerobics, your incisions need time to heal. Going grocery shopping will wipe you out. I would wait until you aren't so tired. You will be tired for a few weeks. My daily walk was enough for me and I would come home and take a nap. And when you do go grocery shopping, be careful of the weight of certain items. Large OJ containers, laundry detergent, dog food, large soda packs (for others of course), etc. Oh, and be careful picking up a full laundry basket, and picking the wet clothes out of the washer, heavier than you may think. You just have to be able to let a few things go, and let your husband help out. Really take it easy. Your body needs the rest to be able to heal. Really listen to what your body tells you. That is really important. Enjoy your journey!!
   — Cheri M.

February 10, 2002
Hi! I have 3 year old twins and this was a major worry for me too pre-op. While my surgery went well, I quite frankly just felt week until about 5 weeks post-op. I only had help with the kids for one week post op and then was just on my own. They go to pre-school 2 mornings a week and I would literally take them to school and then come home and crash for 2.5 hours until I had to go get them again. I made sure to have my kids lay beside me on the couch or in bed for snuggles as much a possible so they didn't feel bad. There were several days that I felt so bad that I just laid in bed and had them "Put on a show" for me. They did puppet shows off the end of the bed or showed me their daring acrobatics doing summer saults in the floor by my bed. Thank goodness they are still nappers because Mommie needed that afternoon nap more than they did!<p> As far as keeping up with the house, my husband too it all over. I do Once A Month cooking and made sure to fill the freezer before surgery and that really helped. After 2 weeks I could do light things like the dishes or folding clothes. Vaccuming and mopping still hurt my tummy now but I can do spot cleaning. I got my kids to help out much more than I thought I could. I would fold the clothes and put them in a basket and have them drag it to the room that it went to. We had a couple of spilled baskets but over all it worked well. <p> I found that anything that involved bending over repeatedly or lifting really hurt for about a month. Dusting, dishes, etc was no problem. Since my hubby did such a great job with everything else it's hard for me not to milk this for all it's!<p> I also found that if I could take the kids out to the park or the play place at BK or McD's they stayed occupied and it was easier on me. The only problem with the park was I couldn't push them on a swing but I could usually find someone to help me out. SInce they have the attention span of a bug, they would always find something else to do if I wouldn't push them.<p> The hardest thing for me was to stop lifting the boys. I learned to sit down and let them come to me instead of picking them up when they wanted to be held. It worked ok for me.<p>Good luck!!!!
   — Barbi B.

February 11, 2002
I had open wls, lap gallbladder removal, but I'm answering anyway because lap or open you are still having major surgery, basically starving for a while, and you still have lifting restrictions because you have to heal inside also. People have the lap and think they can bounce right back to life as usual, and while it's true you don't have a big old incision running stem to stern you still need to take it easy and follow drs orders.
   — [Anonymous]

February 11, 2002
I had Lap-RNY 5 weeks ago. I had no complications at all and was driving the day after I came home. I was doing all the shopping and cleaning the 1st week but tired quickly. I would'nt lift the two year old for at least 3 months so you don't risk getting a hernia. Lap patients are lucky because our recovery is so much easier. A positive attitude really helps alot too. Good luck to you. Vicki
   — vmize

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