Are you receiving routine physical therapy after your surgery?

I am a physical therapist and a doctor at my clinic routinely does these surgeries and would like to send his patients to PT as part of the program. Has anyone had this as part of their treatment and did your insurance cover it? Do you know what diagnosis code was used? I am not talking about if you had joint pain and then was sent,but rather as improving the outcome from the surgery. thanks!    — barb A. (posted on February 9, 2002)

February 9, 2002
What do you mean by "improving the outcome of surgery"? I did PT medical reveiw for 6 years and know that this would not be considered "medically necessary" per the ins companies, unless a person was w/c bound and needed to relearn walking skills etc. A typical wls patient can start off walking and gradually move up their exercise as tolerated and most of us do very well as the weight is coming off.
   — ZZ S.

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