Has anyone been approved with insurance through the

I am about to get individual insurance coverage due to a permanent lay-off. The only thing I could get was through the State Pool. I was previously approved on my other ins. before job loss but had to cancel due to loosing my insurance. Has anyone been approoved through th State Pool?    — Dottie W. (posted on February 5, 2002)

February 5, 2002
How long ago did you lose your job---the cobra law alows you to keep your insurence after u leave/loose a job granted it costs a lil more--might be worth lookin into....good luck!
   — TRULUV2329

February 6, 2002
Dottie: It is federally mandated that an employer with over 75 employees must provide COBRA coverage for 18 months to those employees that leave for any reason. The premiums are regulated as well; you cannot be charged more than the group rate plus a small administrative fee. Contact your employer! That coverage may indeed be better and cheaper than anything you could find individually.
   — JoanneML

November 30, 2002
i have just gotten insurance thru the pool and on monday go see my doctor so i'll lnow in about 14 days i currently gathering all me information

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