What can be done about hair loss and low iron?

I have a very close friend who is 10 months post-op and she has started losing hair again and just found out that her iron is dangerously low. I thought she was past these problems. I will be having the surgery (I don't have a date yet, but hopefully soon), and I was concerned after talking with her. Any suggestions that I could pass on to her and consider for myself would be much appreciated.    — Annette H. (posted on January 31, 2002)

January 30, 2002
As she been taking her vitamins? I slacked off a bit and found I was FROZE all the time. Picked up the vitamins again and no longer cold.
   — bob-haller

January 31, 2002
I'm not quite 3 months yet but I am severely anemic. From what the doctor told me it could happen at any time with or without surgery. More then likely I will be this way on and off for the rest of my life. It will not be as bad of course as long as I take my iron and vitamins. As far as the hair, I would like to know if it's related to the iron or maybe she is just not getting what she needs. I also would like an answer to that.
   — Kelly C.

January 31, 2002
I had a terrible time with hair loss and my Dr. suggested taking a zinc supplement. I did and it worked wonders and now my hair is growing back. Good Luck!!
   — Sarah C.

February 1, 2002
Most RNY will need iron for life, so it's not too unusual. Perhaps the iron supplement she is taking is ferrous SULFATE, which is not well absorbed by us. Or she is taking it mixed with her other pills? There are irons that are well absorbed & don't cause the side effects of sulfate. As for the hair loss, one wonders what her total protein & albumin levels are, zinc levels and B12. If those are saggy, there isn't enough protein (usually) aboard to support the basic functions AND the "extras".
   — vitalady

June 11, 2002
The only thing that worked for my anemia Post Op was Chromagen Forte. It is a prescription Gel Cap of Iron and a few other vitamins. Made by Savage Labs. It is the best absorbed by Post Ops, at least that is what my doctor told me. And truly, when I take it I am not pale and tired and wan any more. Being without it is like being made an invalid. You feel like you are fading away. But I take one in the AM and one in the PM and no problems any more with anemia.
   — Janice D.

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