I am 1 month post-op and was curious about others loss at this point.

I started at 320 pounds and I am 5'6" tall. I have lost 25 pounds. I am very happy about that :-) I get in most of my water and protein each day, exercise about 3X a week and have had an easy time with everything. I don't ask this question to compare, just curiosity. Thanks!    — crishsapig (posted on January 18, 2002)

January 18, 2002
Hi. I was 280 the day of surgery and by 4 weeks was down 31 pounds to 249. I'm currently 11 weeks out and down 64 to 216. My doctor said that most people lose 25 - 31 pounds the first month so you are right on target! Congratulations on your weightloss and good luck on your journey! :)
   — vbenedict0208

January 18, 2002
I am 1 month post-op today and have lost 23 lbs. Started at 265 lbs. and I'm 5'8".
   — Karen B.

January 18, 2002
At 4 weeks post op I was down 56 pounds. Starting weight was 399, now down to 343.. Only weigh myself once a month otherwise, I would become obsessed with the scale.
   — [Anonymous]

January 18, 2002
I am 5'6" and started out at 350 lbs. I lost 15 right before surgery, and the rest after surgery. I am 4 weeks and 4 days post op and I have lost 68 lbs!!! whooooo hooooo!!! I am losing 1-3 lbs a day. The days I work out are the days I lose more fat. :) What kind of surgery did you have? I had Lap RNY. But remember this.... everyone is different, and rate losses are different because of that, so don't despair!! Hugs!!
   — Sharon H.

January 18, 2002
Hi Sharon, I had a LAP RNY. My God! Please tell me your secret! Your loss is amazing!
   — crishsapig

January 18, 2002
at my 4 week weigh in i was down 32 lbs.i measure myself again next week. i measure once a month. my first measurement was at 1 week post op & i had lost 14 inches over all. have u done ur measurements? u sound pretty on target to me. my surgeon expects a minimum 10 lb loss a month.
   — sheryl titone

January 18, 2002
I am 17 months post op and one of the things that I have discovered is that everyone loses differently. You are doing fantastic so whatever you are doing keep on doing it. It is working for you. I lost an incredible amount of weight quickly because I started at almost 500 pounds. Keep up the good work.
   — DeeDubbs

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