I was wondering what is wrong with carbonated drinks long term?

   — Rho (posted on January 14, 2002)

January 14, 2002
Lots of patients find that carbonated beverages make them uncomfortable. There is some evidence that drinking carbonated beverages can also stretch your pouch. The main issues, however, are that carbonated beverages are very acidic and can result in stomal ulcers or ulcerated places where your intestine is attached to the pouch. In addition to this, the bicarbonate of soda found in carbonated beverages leeches calcium from your system. Since calcium absorption is an issue for WLS patients we really don't want to do anything that would further drain our systems of calcium. In a perfect world we'd be able to avoid soft drinks forever. However, in the real world we just need to avoid them as much as possible. I'm fortunate that I rarely ever even desire them since WLS. Best of Luck to you!
   — ronascott

January 14, 2002
I am just over 6 mths post op RNY with a total loss of 107 lbs to date. About 4 months out I began sipping my diet Pepsi at work. I continue to have one every day. It doesn't replace my water.. and I don't drink anything 1/2 hour before or after meals. I haven't found anything but the usual "burp" after drinking the soda. I don't intend to give it up unless something drastic occurs. So far so good. I know other WLS post ops who also resumed their diet sodas...and with all things, in moderation it seems to be tolerated and doesn't adversely affect our weight loss. However, it may be an individual thing as are so many responses to weight loss questions.
   — Ed D.

January 14, 2002
Nothing! In the very beginning, when your pouch is very small, the gas tends to fill you up and can make you feel bloated and uncomfortable. So, it's best to let the sugar-free coke stand a while before you drink it. After the first few months, if you can tolerate it....enjoy. Carbonation won't stretch your pouch...that's a wls myth. Personally, carbonated drinks make me fart like mad... I only have a diet coke (yummy lemon ones) when I'm home alone. The dog doesn't like it...but ....I pay the rent!
   — [Anonymous]

January 14, 2002
At first they are not reccomended because your pouch is healing. At about 4 months post op, I'm almost six now, I started having a diet soda over ice occasionally. I notice that the ice flattens it out and it doesn't bother me at all. But if I drink it straight from the can, it makes me uncomfortable. I don't think soda stretches the pouch, the carbonation is usually released though a burp, but like others have said it may make you feel bloated momnetarily. I say drink it, some may disagree, but it has not hindered my weight loss of 120lbs and it is something that I enjoy.
   — [Anonymous]

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