Did I Dump?

I am nine months postop and I had thought that I had dumped before, but last night was entirely different. I ate two chocolate covered cherries (ugh). About 30 minutes later I got cold sweats, clammy, and felt like I was going to faint. My pulse shot up to 107 and it took all the strength I could muster to get up the stairs to my husband. I got REAL cold and started shaking. He made me a protein shake and I drank it slowly. After about 30 minutes it passed like nothing happened and I felt fine. I never want this to happen again, but I believe it was dumping. Can anyone tell me if they has a similiar experience? Thanks, Caolyn    — Carolyn G. (posted on January 10, 2002)

January 10, 2002
Sounds like it to me. I ate an orange last night after I ate my dinner and the orange was too much on top of my food. It caused my food to be moved into the intestines too quick and I dumped too. I was feeling the cold sweats and weak for 30-45 min. then it passed and I felt fine. Each time I have dumped, I always start sweating and getting hot and then cold. So glad I am a dumper though, but hidden sugar gets me every time.
   — Tawny F.

January 10, 2002
That's how I dump. I have not throw up yet but I get the sweats and clammy and just feel awful. I turn gostly white and get the shakes. I don't think you have anything to worry about. Maybe next time just the one cherry would be good. I haven't tried them yet but they used to be my favorites. Take care.
   — Kelly C.

January 10, 2002
we all dump diffrent, and sometimes we dump different per person...the first time i dumped, it felt like someone was pushing the eraser end of a pencil in my tum, and then up it all came foam and all..gross...but only lasted about 5 min...the second time i hurt real bad like before but then i vomited for about 1 hr off and on...and i shook a bit but mostly was uncomfortable and wanted to cry HOpe i dont do any of that any more!!!!!
   — Jackiis

January 10, 2002
YEP, you dumped alright. Once you do that you will try to avoid it at all costs again ... or I do.
   — [Anonymous]

January 10, 2002
that is EXACTLY how i feel when i dump. pretty unpleasant isnt it? i am soooo glad cause it keeps me on the straight & narrow.
   — sheryl titone

January 10, 2002
I was out last night and checked the sugar amount in 2 choc. covered cherries, the box said 26 grms, so yes you did dump and that is way too much sugar. Steer clear if you can!!
   — Tawny F.

July 10, 2003
What you are experiencing is "hypoglycemia". Even though I haven't had my surgery yet (just consultation) I am concerned because I've had hypoglicemia all my life and the "dumping syndrome" as a result of consuming simple sugars, or refined products goes along with WLS surgery. Avoiding simple sugars, i.e. high fructose corn syrup, white sugar, etc. and white breads, white rice, tomato juice, milk or anything that can convert into simple carbohydrate is the only way to avoid this "dumping" as it is described. Look at my profile page and you will get an idea of what exatly happens with this condition. It just might be a contributing factor for your original obesity.
   — Brenda G.

July 10, 2003
that would be the definition of dumping.
   — **willow**

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