What is the difference between a dietician and a nutritionist?
Is there a difference? If there is, what is it? Thanks in advance. — [Anonymous] (posted on January 9, 2002)
January 9, 2002
There can be a difference. Anyone who had RD after their name is a
Registered Dietician. These are people who have college degrees in
nutrition and, I think, have met some other professional requirements.
Many people with the RD after their names also use the term nutritionist.
I think that started a few years ago, because the word 'dietician' seems to
have become unpopular. Anyone can call himself or herself a nutritionist,
whether they have any training, education or not. I would see if the
person is a Registered Dietician and if not, check their credentials.
There are some very good nutritionists out there, but there are also some
not so good.
— [Anonymous]
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