When I get home after surgery, what should I have at hand..One thing you needed?

   — Ladonna N. (posted on January 4, 2002)

January 4, 2002
That would have to be my recliner chair. It took me weeks after surgery to be able to lie flat. I kept busy and walking most of the day, but when it was time for sleep I needed that recliner despertly. Also a digital timer was esential to me to keep me from eating to fast. It set the pattern for me to follow for my meals now 5+ months after surgery. Best Wishes, Karen
   — Karen Renee

January 4, 2002
I am ready to have hernia surgery on the 11th with my same surgeon and I am already looking forward to: 1)smart wool socks 2)homemade soup (which applies to you too{ get a cuisinart mini prep) 3)lots of friends to hang out with The important thing is that you walk a little outside when you can. Bundle up and it is great.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 4, 2002
My husband; but you can't have him =) Seriously anyone that can give you support, lots of soft/liquidly protein sources (Your doctor should have given you a list of choices), a few good movies, tylenol, Crystal Light and your sneakers to go walking.
   — Jeannet

January 4, 2002
pain pills, pillows, and someone that really cares for you to help you.....
   — Deanna Wise

January 4, 2002
PILLOWS!!! Of course support and straws!!!!
   — Katrina M.

January 4, 2002
I had use of a hospital bed. I could'nt image not having one for the first week or so post op. Two weeks post op would be better.
   — Danmark

January 4, 2002
A recliner, lots of pillows (to stuff around you in the recliner!), a large variety of broths already made up so whoever is helping you (or you if youhave no one to help) can just stick a cup full in the microwave when you want it; popsicles -- sf/ff, trust me, you will be SO THIRSTY but you can not gulp anything and popsicles helped me get that all important drink!! Lessee... I made up turkey, chicken, beef and duck soup bases prior to surgery -- they were wonderful!! Here is my recipe for duck broth, but you can make this with turkey, chicken and beef. Be sure you just eat the broth in the beginning, and when you move to pureed foods, you can start eating the tiny pieces of meat that are in it (they settle to the bottom). This recipe makes a rich, wonderful soup broth that we use everytime we want to make soup!! You get double the veggies when you make it into a complete soup meal!! Good luck!! Get a duck (they aren't that expensive... about 2.99 a duck). Bake it with pepper and salt sprinkled over it. You might add sage, if you like sage. Once itis cooked, drain all the juices into a deep stove-top pan. Add a couple of cups of water to the juices and let it simmer while the duck cools. Debone the duck meat and chop it finely... not quite pureed. Simmer the duck soup base (adding water as needed) while you bake the duck bones for an hour at 300*. Once the bones are baked, crack them open and add them to your soup base. Let this simmer (adding water as needed) for about two hours. (keep the water total to about 6 cups) Skim the bones out and toss them. Add half the meat, a bunch of celery (chopped up), several carrots (chopped up), and any other veggies you might like making sure they are chopped up. Let this cook until the veggies are so soft they are falling apart. (Add water as needed). At this point, puree the soup base. Then add in the remainder of the duck meat and let it simmer again for about 30 minutes (This is a whole day soup!!). Once this has simmered, let it cool on the stove. Don't season it yet! Once the soup has cooled, put it in the refrigerator (covered) overnight. In the morning, skim off all the fat. You should be left with a wonderful duck jelly. Add a couple of cups of water to this jelly and let it simmer on your stove for about thirty minutes. You can now season it to taste. I freeze this base in ice cube trays and pop out two or three and put them in a cup in the microwave for about two minutes. This is a wonderful change from other soups!! You can do this same thing with turkey or chicken, ifyou want! It makes a nice pureed soup with a bit of meat in it for you to chew chew chew! If you don't want the larger pieces of meat, just puree them into the soup! :) It is awesome!! I usually heat and let the soup cool in the fridge a couple of nights in a row, so I can get as much of the fat out of it as possible.
   — Sharon H.

January 4, 2002
I know this sounds gross but tongs or a long wooden spoon to help wipe your behind. It came in real handy I just couldn't bring myself to ask anyone to wipe me. Also I wish I had a walker to hold onto when I hoisted myself out of chairs. Good luck to you.
   — susan V.

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