Did you get a hernia? Lap or open?

Much is discussed of Lap vs Opens and the chance of getting a hernia. If you got a hernia plese indicate Lap or open and if you had ever had belly surgery before. This info can be of use to many, who are trying to decide what surgery to get.    — bob-haller (posted on December 30, 2001)

December 30, 2001
It will be one year, Jan. 17, 2002, since my surgery..Open RNY, not sign of a Hernia! I have had "O" complication!
   — Glenna S.

December 30, 2001
I had an open RNY on 8/16/00. I had had 4 hernia surgeries prior to my RNY. I got a new hernia almost right away but it got me insurance approval for a tummy tuck. I was very happy to have the hernia.
   — DeeDubbs

December 30, 2001
Open 11/20/00 no hernia. Neci
   — Nynese W.

December 30, 2001
Open 11/27/00....incisional hernia. Had it repaired on 10/16/01 when I had revision to transected pouch. I was so careful and I still got one. I didn't know I had it. Had no pain and no bulge. I hope I don't get another one!
   — Marilyn C.

December 30, 2001
I asked my Doctor about the 30% hernia rate sited on this site and he said it wasn't true. He said a hernia is a very rare complication and has to do with how the incision was closed. He said some doctors us one long stitch instead of individual stiches and don't use staples and he said that is not strong enough for an obese patient.
   — Candace F.

December 30, 2001
Open RNY 1/8/01--no hernia!!! The only other abdominal surgery I've had was a c-section in 96 (bikini incision). Hope this helps your research. Shelley
   — Shelley.

December 30, 2001
Open RNY 5/1/01. Hernia discovered in October, 2001. I didn't have a clue I had a hernia, no pain, no bulge. I was very careful and followed lifting restrictions, etc. but still ended up with a hernia. Darn it! I am going to have it repaired this spring.
   — Brenda H.

December 30, 2001
Lap DS, small incisional hernia which was noticed about 1 year post-op. -Kate-
   — kateseidel

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