RNY Laps, how long off of work for recovery?

Hi! Wanted to hear from some recent post-ops LAP. How much time did you take off from work? When did you feel comfortable returning? My surgery is coming up - the Monday after my vacation (guidance counselor, February break). I'm planning on taking 2 weeks off. My job is pretty much sit down, I can have other people run around for me if needed, though it seems like a good idea to keep moving (just be carful not to overdo it!). Thanks in advance for your response!    — Sarah C. (posted on December 28, 2001)

December 28, 2001
I had 2 1/2 weeks off but could of easily gone back sooner. I actually got board at home. My job is pretty much a sit down job also and the first day or two back I got tired because I wasn't use to having to sit up for so long but I made it just fine.
   — Kelly C.

December 28, 2001
I was off for two weeks. I started to feel good enough to go out and shop and go to the movies, etc after about 10 days.
   — Kirstin99

December 28, 2001
I am a school administrator and had LAP RNY on December 10th, 2001. I took two weeks off but felt much better on day 6 post~op. If not for Christmas break, I would've gone back to work after two weeks. Since Christmas Eve/day fell on a Monday and Tuesday, and Wednesday was my first post~op appointment with my surgeon, I went back to work today, Friday (shopped on Thursday, LOL!) I think two weeks is plenty of time...Good luck!
   — Cristie L.

December 28, 2001
I took 3 weeks cause I had the time but I felt like I could go back in 2. Good luck and God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

December 28, 2001
I had Lap RNY on November 2nd. I took four weeks off work. I was so ready to go back on week #3 but my post-op follow-up visit interfered w/Thanksgiving holiday and I couldn't get in to see the surgeon until the 4th week. He released me to go back the next day. Two weeks may be a bit much. I think I'd go back week #3 working 1/2 days only. You may think you're up to it, but your body will still be healing and if you're at all the way I was, I craved the rest. Don't push yourself too much. It's time to take care of YOU. I went back to a very physical tugging, lifting job and I was fine at week four. Best of luck to you during your surgery and recovery. What a great feeling you're going to have getting all the weight off.
   — blank first name B.

December 28, 2001
I returned to a full-time office position 8 days after my lap RNY and had no problems other than increased fatigue at the end of the day. My daughter returned to teaching a classroom of 3 year olds at 14 days post-op lap RNY and found observing the lifting restrictions to be her only problem. Please remember that everyone's tolerance to pain and ability to return to full function differs. Lap RNY is still a major surgery and you will need to give yourself ample time for extra naps and early bedtimes. Listen to your will tell you when it's ready for more activity. Good luck!
   — Diana T.

December 28, 2001
I'm 16 days out and feel like I could totally be back at work already. I work for a school district, so I have 3 weeks off. I took 3 days off before break to have surgery and am actually waiting to go back to work. I don't go back until the 7th and I'm so tired of being home. I felt so good that I think I could have gone back 6 days post-op. But that was me. I'm 23 years old and EVERYONE says that that is why I recuped so well. Good luck with your surgery. And remember... don't go back until YOU feel like you can.
   — tmrivas

December 28, 2001
I had lap RNY and I had two months off. I work freelance and it is just how my jobs landed. I was thankful for the time off because there is no way I could have gone back after two or three weeks. I didn't feel good enough to go back to a full day of work until at least four weeks postop. I know most people can go back sooner but a few of us have awful recovery time.
   — Elizabeth A.

December 28, 2001
I was out 2 weeks and thought that was plenty of time. Other than the trots & trying to drink I felt 1 week could have worked in a pinch. Car shopping and driving it across town 5 days post op.
   — lessofme170

December 28, 2001
I just had my LAP RNY on the 20th and I was feeling 90% like my old self at 2 days post op. I am 39 and started at 320 lbs. (stay at home Mom of 7 kids so there was plenty to keep me busy when I got home :-) I had a 5 hour car ride home 2 days post-op and it was like normal with no pain meds. Absolutely amazing to me! Of course everyone is different and every surgery effects us all if different ways. I was expecting to have to run to the bathroom every 15 minutes with all the water I have been drinking but it's been about the same amount as before and I drink twice as much water. By 2 weeks you will have a handle on how to time things (eating and bathroom trips for example) so I would think you should do great getting back to work. For me, getting back to "normal" has been a real priority. I wanted to feel like myself again as soon as I could after surgery and I think this helps us keep a good positive attitude. Wishing you the best of luck with your surgery and the wonderful things this new year will bring!
   — crishsapig

December 28, 2001
Hi, this is Sarah (the question-poster). Thanks so much for the thoughtful responses, I do appreciate them! I think the only lifting problem I'll have is with my lil' boy Spencer who's 2 1/2, but Daddy will just have to step in. Thanks!!
   — Sarah C.

February 1, 2002
i had open on 1/11/02...I am 3 weeks post-op and NO WAY am I near recovery....I only feel 25% normal..can't sleep thru the nite...still have leaking woung and pain, and feel totally exhausted...I usually bounce right back ( 2- C-sections and an etopic) but this surgery wiped me out...I am an otherwise healthy 45 yr old, and I'm in shock how horrible I feel...I am staaying out of work until I feel 100%
   — irene B.

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