Need some information about Diabetes.

I was wondering how high your sugar levels have to be to be considered Diabetec? My sugar level just came back and its at 190 which I know is high but does that mean Im borderline Diabetec? Thank You for your help.    — mastrnservnt (posted on December 27, 2001)

December 27, 2001
Borderline no, your definetely diabetic if that was a fasting number. 140 and above indicates diabetes. A better test is the HC1A where normal is 6 or below. Its a 3 month number. The GOOD news is that 85% of type 2s are cured by surgery, that is off ALL diabetic meds with normal blood sugars all the time. Even insulin type 2s are usually off all meds. You may carry the diabetic diagnosis the rest of your life, even if your numbers are normal.
   — bob-haller

December 27, 2001
Hi... I had worked with ADA and their guidelines are normal range 80-120. Yours is sounding high. As Bob mentioned the 3 month test HCA1 is a good test to see how it is running on a normal level. As an FYI...borderline diabetes is like borderline pregnant but good news for Type 2 is that it can be reversed with diet, life change, weight loss. Many type 2's after WLS lose all symptoms of diabetes. Good scenario too as you will be carb watching. Check in with your Dr. on this and keep monitoring your levels. Best wishes to you.
   — AJC750

December 27, 2001
I agree with Bob. This is definitely diabetes. The term 'borderline' isn't even used any more. You really need to make sure your current doc will aggressively treat your diabetes. If s(he) gives you a 'pat on the head' and tells you not to worry about it, get out of there fast. Find a doc who will take it seriously, an endocrinologist if your insurance will let you. The reason I say this is that if you do decide to have the surgery, you want to be in as good control before it as possible. Many (including a number of doctors I've met) will tell you that diabetics don't heal as well as others. That's true IF they do not have good control of their diabetes. And that can lead to serious problems. I had an open gall bladder removal about a year and a half ago. I had the surgery on a Friday and was back at work 2 weeks and 3 days later (the 3 days being Labor Day weekend). But I am pretty vigilant about testing my sugars and taking action if they go up. You will probably be able to get off all meds if you have the surgery, but you will need to be vigilant about how your blood glucose is doing for the rest of your life. If you were to gain back even part of your weight, it would probably rear its ugly head again. And I've also known people with Type 2 diabetes who have been able to get off meds when they are first diagnosed by losing weight and then having to go back on them as the years pass. I'm not saying it will happen, but it certainly is to your benefit to keep it in mind.
   — garw

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