Repeated problems with ulcers???

I am having problems with ulcers. I had a massive bleed in March which lead to surgery and hospitalization for 2 months. Just recently my surgeon told me I have another ulcer almost where the last one was but it isn't bleeding. Has this happened with anyone else and will it ever stop?Open 11/20/00    — Nynese W. (posted on December 26, 2001)

January 2, 2004
I have also been having problems with ulcers. I passed out in the shower because of a bleed. Talk about scarry. now they think that my staple line disruption is caused by ulcers has anyone ever heard of that. And on a scale on 1 to 10 how painfull r yours. Mine make it to a stabing 7 or8. Never knew that they could be so bad.
   — Laura C.

January 2, 2004
My doc has often asked the rhetorical quesiton, which comes first, the SLD (which floods the pouch with acid & such) or marginal ulcer, which causes some pressure along the staple line? I had both. Have not had a marginal ulcer since my revision (transection). You might ask for some carrafate, which I guess is somewhat old fashioned, but is a great soother. To deal with my last ulcer, I was taking 40mg Prilosec FOUR times per day, with 2 Carrafate at night before bed. That did do the trick until I was transected.
   — vitalady

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