Is it unhealthy or un realistic to consider the operation If you are over 50

I am 53 and in a menomausal state. with in the past 18 months I have gained 80 pounds. And wish to consider anything that would assist me in getting the weight off. Is it an unhealthy choice for me to consider at my age. and what can the risk be? Or is it possible I would not be considered for the surgery do to my age? I don't mind getting older, but I would like to look my best as I go through the aging process.    — lynda W. (posted on December 15, 2001)

December 15, 2001
Lynda -- I, too, am 53 and my surgery is scheduled for 1/9. As I've found on this site, there are MANY of us over 50 who are opting for WLS to regain our healthy bodies and extend our lives. As long as we are in reasonably good health, the risks of this surgery should not be more than for younger patients. Our one disadvantage, though, is that many of us will not have the skin elasticity that the young'uns have and we may have more difficulty toning up the sagging leftover skin. Best of luck with your surgery and, as always, BOOMERS RULE!!
   — Linda W.

December 15, 2001
Our surgeons oldest patient so far is 71, you are a spring chicken! No time like now to feel better and get healthier,
   — bob-haller

December 15, 2001
you just feel old because of your weight.I was old (50) when I had my surgery , big , fat sloppy and a hormonal mess! The doctors couldn't get my hormones right of course I never believed my weight had anything to do with that , or my blood pressure or my apnea or my water retention or my cholestoral. Well , GUESS WHAT???? IT DID! I am Younger now than I was when I started(you would have to be in my body to understand that!) I will be number 52 soon (but it is just a number ) I am in excelent health , my hormonal problems , as well as the rest are GONE! I look great , I feel great and I would do this surgery once a year if it ment maintaining my health and wellbeing. Don't let any more of your life pass you by.
   — Rose A.

December 15, 2001
I say go for it.I had my surgery on 9/26/01 I am 50 and in 3 wks I will be 51,I haven't felt this good in years. I am ready to let the world I am back and ready to go for it. My husband hopefully will have his surgery sometime next year and he will be 57 in about a month,I don't think age has anything to do with it,I think attitude is everything.You are only as old as you feel,right now you feel ancient,after the surgery you will feel like a young woman,Good luck to you
   — Jennie D.

December 15, 2001
I had my surgery this past Wed. My roomy was 60 years old. she had an open, she had a rough 2 nites, but as I was leaving she looked much better. she wants to be around for her grandkids.
   — Cindee A.

December 15, 2001
I was 51 when I had my surgery but had a birthday soon after. My surgeon has several patients in their 50s and 60s who have had the surgery. All are doing well. Every doctor is different, but your age shouldn't be a problem. Go for it!
   — [Anonymous]

December 15, 2001
There's always a bunch of things to consider when contemplating any surgery, esp. this one, but your age shouldn't be one of them. I just "angeled" (is that a verb???!?!) for a woman yesterday who seemed to be in her mid-60s. All you can do is make sure you live a longer and healthier life! GOod luck!
   — Mary Ellen W.

December 15, 2001
lynda i am a 50 year old boomer & my surgery is tuesday. most days i am an old lady. every once in a great while i feel young enuf to forget the 'number' & FEEL like im younger. of course reality always returns & smacks me in the i am hoping this surgery will turn things around for me & that most days i will feel young & healthy again. age doesnt matter. my surgeon only asked my age to help define the amount of years i have been obese/morbidly obese, which was 50 lolol. seriously! i have a pic of me at age 2 & i look like i was inflated with an air hose! & this was after spending my first year on a 'milk in the bottle' diet as my mom said i hated food & would vomit it all back up. it took 30 years & extensive allergy testing to figure out that i COULDNT tolerate food, not that i didnt like it at that age. lol. & it wasnt until 6 months ago that dr mal fobi explained the genetic factor to me which explains my whole life as an obese person. my point is, ur age means zip! ur as young as u feel & from what i can tell from the stories our post op AMOS brothers & sisters wont be too much longer that i will be feeling like 30 again. so i say...GO FOR IT!! good luck to u in ur journey.
   — sheryl titone

December 15, 2001
I am 66 yrs old and date for surgery is 20dec 2001. Co morbs apnea and COPD (lungs and low O2 and shallow breathing) I ask my surgeon if he was "afraid of me". His reply was "Look out there" and motioned to where the Mayo Clinic waiting room was located. Enough said for me. There a club for "oldies". If you can't find address - let me know - got to go------
   — charlene M.

December 15, 2001
As far as the complication rate for your age, I would talk to your surgeon about that. If he feels good about it, I say, "you go girl".
   — Cheri M.

December 15, 2001
I turned 52 Wednesday, December 12th (and feel like a teenager again) and had my second year anniversary from WLS Dec 8th...AND to answer your question.. Oh yes it's very well worth it.. First reason I can think of was living to be 52 and well beyond.. Second reason was living without all the co-morbidities.. Also carrying around an extra 227 pounds also was no fun at all.. Yesssssssssssssss it's worth it.. It saved my life.. I'd do it again in a heart beat...
   — Victoria B.

December 15, 2001
Well, look at it this way. AS a morbidly obese female, the chances of you going much longer without SOME kind of surgery are pretty slim. May as well be THIS one, huh? My guess is that the vast majority of us are over 45 when we have surgery. And I had my revision at 50. I know people who are on their EIGHTH WLS and are now over 50. And they do FINE. Really. A good surgeon will run you thru a gazillion tests at 23 or 53, so that he has a full inventory of what's up with you before he even plops you on the table.
   — vitalady

December 15, 2001
I am 49 and believe me, with the loss of over 80 lbs I feel a lot younger! Hey, you are going to get older regardless, if you are lucky. In 5 yrs you will be 5 yrs older whether you are thin or fat, which would you rather be? I think I have enhanced my life tenfold and I want to make the next 25 yrs the best quality of life I can have. As far as menopause, why is that even a factor in your decison? Menopause may be easier with a normal weight. Your risks of obesity related disease is greater as we age. It only makes sense to want to face the older years at a normal weight since the other factors of aging are not reversible. At least we can have a normal weight. Go for it! This may be your last chance to really do something to significantly change your future.....for the better! Weigh all the factors and follow your own heart and instincts when deciding to have WLS. It is your choice. As for me, I would rather give up an insatiable appetite for sweets and high fat food in exchange for going skiing with my grandchildren! God bless you!
   — Marilyn C.

December 15, 2001
I turned 51 three days before my surgery and I am 5.5 weeks post-op and feeling great and down 45 pounds. Some of my comorbs have already gone away and I can't wait to see what the future holds for me. Before this surgery, I worried about death at an early age a lot. My Mother died when she was 66 and I always used to wonder if I would live longer then that. I no longer worry about my mortality and when I do die it won't be because I am overweight and unhealthy and my time left will be quality time full of wonderful activities and pain free. Go for it!
   — Susan M.

December 15, 2001
NOOOOoooo, you're not too old! I "gave" myself RNY proximal for my 54th birthday. I was 132 lbs over weight. I've lost 98 of it so far. I feel GREAT!!! I got my hair cut real short, which makes me look younger AND I had dark blond streakes added to my natural platinum hair and now I feel really perky! Men are even starting to look at me again. DO IT !!! You'll regret it if you don't. Good luck!
   — Betty Todd

December 15, 2001
Had my surgery at 52 and thought I was my surgeons oldest patient. He told me "actually I have a patient in her 60's I operated on recently". I say if you are medically cleared why not have the surgery"?
   — Nynese W.

December 15, 2001
I am 50 years old and had my surgery on July 24th, 2001. I had a BMI of 62.7 the day of surgery. I now have a BMI of 46 and have lost 95 pounds and have GAINED my health back. I am off 6 medications and feel and look like I'm in my early 40's again. My family physician put me through a battery of test before surgery. Many more test than what my surgeon requested. Because of my severe obesity I didn't have much future..but now I believe that G-d has given me another chance. As you can see by the number of posts being in your 50's is just a great time to go ahead and make your life livable again. Take Care!
   — Karen Renee

December 15, 2001
Hi Lynda, I have not had my surgery yet. Waiting for my 1st consult on 1/27/02. I also had a lot of concerns about age. I am 64 years old. I have founded a club on Yahoo called The Oldies of WLS. WE restrict it to members of this organization (AMOS) and are 50 years and older. If you would like to join us to talk about anything at all, please email me at [email protected] and I will send you an invite from yahoo to join our private club. Lots of interesting and fun people. We have 56 members already... {{{HUGS}}} Pheebs

December 15, 2001
I am 55 and had my open RNY November 29. It has been a most surprising experience. I had no problems post-op and was released to go back to work at 12 days post-op (down 30 pounds). My only regret is that I didn't have this when I was younger so that I could have enjoyed more of my life as a "normal sized" person. Go for it - you've got the rest of your life ahead and this should make it a lot longer and more pleasant. Patty Butler
   — Patty_Butler

December 15, 2001
   — T T.

December 17, 2001
I am 59 years old and had my open rny on 7/5/01. Felt slightly bad for a week and went back to work within 1-1/2 weeks. From that time on I've never felt better and have lost 86 pounds to date. I have more energy than ever, and walking again is becoming a joy. Just do it - you're never too old.
   — Penolyn V.

December 17, 2001
Hi Linda, I am 54 and had my open RNY on 6/11/01 and have lost over 70 pounds. I feel better than I have in too many years. I can honestly say I have NEVER regreted having the surgery. I, too, had concerns about my age and high blood pressure and diabeties. BUT...I am now off diabetic meds, my blood pressure is 120/60 and I have more energy than I could imagine. Good luck.
   — Barbara Mark

December 17, 2001
Might as well join the chorus here. I'd say much better at 53 than 63, and better at 63 than 73, ya know? The sooner you have it done, the more life you are going to have to enjoy, and I mean that in its fullest sense. You will more than likely live longer. I had my surgery 18 months ago at the age of 57, starting with a BMI of 50 and a ton of co~morbidities. Things weren't looking too good for me. I had the surgery, and now my BMI is 22, and I'm feeling wonderful, and I'm healthy for the first time in my life. Yes, I wish I had had it when I was younger, but you can't turn back the clock. I wish you the best.
   — Statuesque

November 30, 2002
I am 63 had my RNY Sept 25, 2002, as of last Monday Nov. 24, I am down 48#. I now have a hernia that has to be repaired. Other than the hernia I feel really great. I had high blood pressure, sleep apnea,depression amongst other things,but all seems to be going well
   — Mary G.

January 18, 2003
I was 50 in 2000 when I had mine done. I've ;olt 100 pds. and feel wonderful! GO FOR IT.
   — Shirley F.

January 18, 2003
Lynda,I am 53 and just had my surgery 12/05/02. I have lost 31 lbs and am already off my 2 arthritis meds and cholesterol lowering meds. I feel much better. At my age I figured it was my last effort I hadnt tried before retirement!!!If your Dr feels you are up for it I would go for it..
   — NANCY P.

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