Anyone have any nightmares before surgery?

I am not so afraid of the surgery itself, but I have a problem with annesthesia and I am about to lose my mind....    — Angela W. (posted on November 26, 2001)

November 26, 2001
I had quite the opposite. I'm still pre-op. I was dreaming that I already had the surgery and I was thin and it didn't hurt to walk up stairs and my legs felt fine when I went shopping. Then I woke up and I was actually SAD that it didn't happen. I felt like I lost this incredible thing!
   — [Anonymous]

November 26, 2001
I had nightmares about food....not being able to eat food and Really - Really - Really craving it. I am not 6wks post op and none of those nightmarish food dreams have come true. I am actually surprised how "normal" I can eat.
   — Kim M.

November 26, 2001
YES YES YES! I had a dream about a week ago that right before they put me under I panicked and they had to restrin me to put me under! When I woke up I couldn't go back to sleep I was so concerned. The next morning I stood in the mirror wondering why I had let that dream get to me. I soon realized that my life is in God's hands and I have no need to fear. My surgery is exactly two weeks away and I have no fears Praise God!
   — Nurisha L.

November 26, 2001
I had a few "what if" type dreams. But the real nightmares started after I reached goal wt. I'd wake up full size again. Or be brushing my teeth in front of the mirror. When I looked up, my face was growing, looked down, looked up, growing more. I could feel the breath being crushed from my lungs, as I was pre-op. The nightmares finally got less and less after about 3 years. They weren't nightly, but it just made my surgery result that much more precious to me and worth guarding. I don't want to ever go back.
   — vitalady

November 26, 2001
Pre-op I had a couple of nightmares. One was that it was finally my surgery day. Now I had waited 8 months for this big day. I got to the hospital to find out that there was a test on the surgery that I was supposed to take, and because I didn't take it I couldn't have the surgery. I was so upset. Glad when I woke up. The other one was quite silly but I dreamt that I was a new post-op and I had accidentally swallowed a huge amount of food. I was really freaking out. Glad it was just a dream. I am 2 wks. post and have had none since surgery. Good luck.
   — Cheri M.

November 26, 2001
I didn't have any nightmares, but I did have a dream that I was looking down at my abdoman and seeing my nicely healing incision, which hurt a little when I laughed. I never had any nightmares after surgery either. And at 3 weeks post-op, I can look down and see my nicely healing incision line, which does hurt slightly when I laugh, LOL.
   — Susan M.

November 26, 2001
I had a weird dream, that they were dragging me down the hospital hall, and I kept saying " I'm not ready!, you haven't even taken my pre-op tests" and I didn't have a hospital gown on, just my reg. clothes. They kept trying to hurry me and push me and wouldn't listen to me. It was weird. My surgery is is 2 weeks. I hope I don' have any more!
   — Cindee A.

November 26, 2001
i have had just one dream so far. i dont recall the details but i do know i woke up from it feeling very pleased because hubby said the dr told him the surgery went very well. i was very disappointed tho after i realized i was in my own bed & not the hospitals.
   — sheryl titone

November 26, 2001
3 years ago I had knee surgery, woke up in recovery with breathing problems, nurses yelling breathe breathe, vomiting, and scared to death. Spent hours in recovery, longer than anyone else for such a simple procedure. Reported ALL this to my surgeon. NO PROBLEMS AT ALL! My surgeon tests us every which way, and they were prepared and took great care of me. Let you doc know of any problems you have had in the past in advance so they can get your old records and avoid repeating a past mistake. I had less pain from WLS thann my knee surgery...
   — bob-haller

November 27, 2001
I am 17 days away from surgery, and have been scaring myself into thinking strange things. My dog hada chewed up my paperwork signed by my doctor, and I kind of have been thinking that maybe that was a sign. maybe my dog new something I didn't... WEIRD! I also had a dream where I was laying on my back admiring my new scar. I woke up after that.
   — sbinkerd1

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