I just got back my labs and the liver test is 87. Does anyone know what this may mean

The rest of the labs are stable. On Sunday I had an episode where I became very dizzy and the Paramedics said my blood sugar was 40. On Monday it was normal. Any clue??? I was told by the nurse it might be drinking alcohol but I don't drink... or taking too much Tylonel but I don't take that either.    — marlene R. (posted on November 7, 2001)

November 7, 2001
There are many liver function tests that can be done. You did not say which one was elevated. I am preop and scheduled for Jan 3 2002. All of my liver enzymes are elevated well into the 100's, and I went to a GI doc yesterday. He wants to do a liver biopsy on me but I am going to see if the surgeon will do it while I am having the WLS surgery. I have read that it is very common to develop high liver enzymes after the surgery but they usually will go down once you lose weight. Sometimes they will remain elevated.It just depend on your body.I was told yesterday that I will probably always have elevated liver labs. I was checked for all other diseases so the doc is pretty sure this is a benign condition that was brought on by fatty liver and being overweight.
   — garyzgurl

November 7, 2001
I have the same problem. My blood sugar always runs low and my liver enzyems are always high. I found a liver cleansing product from ZAND at a local health food store. I do that on a regular basis. It lowers my Liver levels to a normal level.
   — Kathy P.

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