What should I bring to the hospital and when do you have to stop eating before WLS?

My WLS is scheduled for November 26. I have not had my Pre-op yet, and was wondering what I should plan to bring to the hospital and how long before surgery can I have my "last meal?"    — Rebecca C. (posted on November 3, 2001)

November 3, 2001
hello , i had surgery on the 10th of oct. bring clothes to come home in .tooth brush, hair brush ,chapstick of some kind, the hospital i stayed in supplied every thing . even little socks with grips onthe bottom. youll be tired so you wont need much in the entertainment area. as for robe& nitie. with the I>V> and all I stayed in the one they gave me and asked for a extra for a robe so you can do your walking. eating I know the doc. says nothing after midnight.but if you eat late you may end up with some really bad pain. because that food will sit in your intestens.and cause gas. which will hurt.. so if you eat make sure you clean your self out..... e-mail if you need anymore advise.
   — annette R.

November 3, 2001
I brought plenty of magazines to read, and my bedroom slippers. However I wish I had taken my OWN robe (but I don't have one). You can NEVER have any kind of dignity walking around in a hospital robe with you buttacks exposed and flapping to the worlds gapping view. (still blushing over that one). Another thing, PAY THE $40 A NIGHT EXTRA AND GET A PRIVATE ROOM! If you wonder why then just read my profile. It was absolutely the worst hospital stay I EVER had, and I've had 11 surgeries so far (with as many hospital stays). I did'nt feel well enough to go home but I did'nt care just as long as I could get out of that hell hole. Forgive me for being blunt, but it was an absolute nightmare. GO FOR A PRIVATE ROOM. There are to many rude room mates. As far as when to stop eating, my experience was different than the previous poster. I was told to go on a "liquid diet" for 24 hours before surgery. This was a first as it has always been "midnight before surgery" but NOT this time. So it seems it differs betweeen surgeons.
   — Danmark

November 4, 2001
Hi. Congrads on your upcoming surgery. These are good suggestions. You might want to add a few things and I'm sorry if I repeat some of what the previous posters suggested. I would also think of taking a small fan with you if your hospital doesn't provide one. No matter what the weather outside...hospitals tend to be very cold or very hot. LOL A fan may help A LOT. If you are taking slippers...make them the slip on kind, since you won't be able to bend well to put them on. I personally like the socks they give you at the hospital. You also may want to take the "spoon" or "tongs" in case you have trouble reaching to wipe. Also, a calling card for making calls can be a necessity. Some people suggest a notebook for taking notes of visitors and calls/gifts so you can say your thank you's later in case you forget. Also, for writing down ?'s for the Dr. so you don't forget when he/she does rounds. Lip balm is a must ;) Your normal toiletries...especially powders or something to make you feel pampered since you MAY not be able to take a shower for a few days. And I sweat constantly after surgery...many do. As far as diet pre op...I would ask your surgeon. Some just say nothing before midnight..but mine said 48 hrs before...full liquids. 24 hrs before, clear liquids and mag citrate the day before to clean me out. NOTHING after midnight. I felt very safe with that diet. But ask your surgeon for specifics. GOOD LUCK!
   — Nicole P.

November 5, 2001
I took nothing with me to the hospital except myself and a tube of Chaptstick. :) I was so out of it, I didn't do much for the couple days I was there except walk the halls and sleep. I didn't take a shower because of the central line I.V. in my neck, so shampoo, soap, etc. weren't necessary. The nurses helped me "sponge bathe" myself, and they used these totally cool things that are like really thick baby wipes. They're moistened and the nurse puts them in the microwave for a minute to warm them up. You want to talk about something nice! They felt soooo good when she was helping me bathe myself. :) If I were you, I'd ask your nurse about them. :) As far as reading material, a journal, make up, etc., I didn't take any of that. I wasn't really feeling well enough to read. The hospital gave me gowns to wear, toothbrush and toothpaste, etc.
   — [Anonymous]

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