Has any post-op had a colonoscopy?
I must have a colonoscopy(sp) next week. I am afraid of the procedure and of the cleansing beforehand. Anyone have this and live? — wilkywanch (posted on November 1, 2001)
November 1, 2001
I had a friend who had that procedure and like you she was dreading it.
Afterwards, she said it was a breeze. Didn't feel a thing. And they just
gave her something to clean her out -- she said it didn't even taste bad.
— Debbie H.
November 1, 2001
Just had one recently, now that I am "that age". It was very
doable. The clean out is not what I schedule for fun, but I just laid out
some reading material in the "throne room" and was fine with it,
too. My doc is also a bariatric surgeon, so he has us drink 1.5 oz in am,
and 1.5 oz later in the day, so none of this drinking 1 gal in 10 min.
Can't happen. You might ask if they would be fine with magnesium citrate
twice, with lots of water in between. Mine specified nothing after the 2nd
dose, though. BUT better than trying to gaack down 1 gal.
— vitalady
November 1, 2001
Hi! Relax! At 39, I've had three or four already because I've had several
problems and the surgeon wants to make sure we catch any possible cancer
early. The test itself is not bad at all, you really don't feel a thing.
They have you pretty sedated, so you don't care that they're putting a tube
in your behind. It's painless, simple and relatively quick, too. The
cleansing the day before is not too bad, at least not the one my surgeon
has you do. You just have to stay near a bathroom the night before.
Relative to other procedures, surgeries, etc, that I've had, this one is a
breeze! Good luck!
— Maria H.
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