As a post-op, do you still enjoy eating out considering you can eat so much less

   — Terri A. (posted on October 4, 2001)

October 4, 2001
Yes, I enjoy eating out now just as much as before. I now know that I can eat for health and not just to eat. "Most" places have been pretty accomodating in letting me order a childs plate or at a reduced price because they see how very little I eat. Some places are kind of hateful, but then we haven't been back there again. I am five and a half months post-op and down 97 lbs. and 59 inches. I went from a size 24 to a now size 14. Still going. Hope this helps.
   — Tere F.

October 4, 2001
I don't think I really enjoy it as much as pre-op, yet anytime I don't have to cook it is a good thing. I feel like eating out is such a 'big deal' to others now that I feel I should want to go with them, but there have been a few times I wish I had not gone. I am now 3 1/2 months post-op and am tolerating foods better, but we went on vacacation at about 8 weeks and I was having trouble keeping some meals down. Initially I wanted to still order a 'real' meal yet now I order either an appetizer and still have to have help eating it, I get soup and salad, I share an order with my hubby, or sometimes I will get a real meal and just take most of it home as leftovers. Good question!
   — Molly S.

October 4, 2001
Yes, I love eating out. I get regular size portions and bring what I don't eat home. I don't usually eat the left overs but hubby does. I enjoy eating as much as ever, and don't feel as threatened by food since I know I can't eat as much.
   — KimBo36

October 4, 2001
I didn't enjoy it as much at first. I had a hard time finding things I could eat (still do sometimes) and felt guilty about ordering that much food when I could only eat a little. Now when we go out my husband and I usually split a meal or we order two appetizers and often still end up bringing food home. He's like Barb's husband and claims I'm a cheap date - especially since I don't even have to order a drink! We tend to stick to our favorite restaurants since I know I can find something there - Mexican is my very favorite! Our kids (away at college) think we eat there two or three times a week when in reality it's only once a week.
   — georgiacarol

October 4, 2001
I still enjoy eating out very much. It took a little time to get used to ordering proportionate to what I can eat, but I don't worry about it anymore. I eat what I can, and rarely take home leftovers, just because I don't eat them anyway. I enjoy the experience and just refuse to worry about what I can or cannot eat. Sometimes I'll just order an appetizer, sometimes an entree. I don't worry about what the waitstaff thinks about what I eat. I pay for it and I'll either eat it or not. Besides, I think most of them are just concerned about the quality. They figure it didn't taste right, so they ask. I don't think they really care how much I'm eating, nor do any of my dinner companions. I'm almost 10 months post op and down about 93 pounds.
   — Maria H.

October 4, 2001
I'm like Maria. I order what I want and if I don't eat it, I take it home. I don't care what anyone else thinks. I travel a lot for my job and that requires a lot of eating out. Normally, I'll stick with the water they give me and not get anything else (occasionally I'll get lemonade only as a treat but not usually). I skim the appetizers for something non-fatty and if there is something (shrimp cocktail is a good one) I'll get that. It just depends. I'm perfectly fine having a taste of this or that. The only time I think about dessert is if someone else orders it. Then it's fun because I know that I won't get dessert and everyone else will think "wow, I don't need dessert either"...I usually won't order something I think is "too big" or too costly. It just depends! Good luck and God Bless!
   — Kimberly L.

October 4, 2001
When I had my surgery I swore I would not inflict hardship on others. So If my family and friends invited me out to eat I went. As a new post op I was limited in what I could order , mostly soup or salad , but so what it was the company now that was most important. Now I eat slowly and small bites so I keep pace with the others . And I like the other respondants here , eat what I can and take the rest with me. I never let this surgery stop me from enjoying my life early post op, and now I reep the rewards!
   — Rose A.

October 4, 2001
Its not as much fun eating out, and I just share with whatever my wife s getting. but its better than it was at first. I am 2.5 months post op down 70 pounds and much healthier. That makes it ALL worthwhile.... It will be better once my wife is a post op too, she has completed her pre ops and is awaiting insurance approval....
   — bob-haller

October 5, 2001
Terri, funny you should ask this and I found it now. Hubby and the kidlets and I are planning on going out this evening. I still go out on a fairly regular basis and have found that I do one of two things. Either I eat off my kidlets plates (a bite from each of them {there are three} and I am generally satisifed) or I order something small such as a dinner salad, soup, or something that entices me and bring a lot of it home. BUT YES I still enjoy eating out. Tonight we are going to a Mexican restaurant and I look forward to getting my nibbles and being HAPPY. Just keep the surgeon's recommendations in mind when you order and you should be FINE!
   — blank first name B.

October 5, 2001
I am 5 mos post op and still enjoy going out to eat. I often eat out at lunch and the food usually lasts 2-4 meals for me. Some of my favorite meals are listed on my profile. If I go out with my family I either split a regular meal with my daughter (kids meals are usually fried so I don't get that for her unless she asks for it) or order an appetizer for everyone and have a little of my husband's entree. I have been very lucky and can eat most anything but try to stick to protein. If my husband feels like ordering dessert I can even have a couple of bites (as long as it is not too goopy or chocolatey). The only real problem I have had eating out is that I eat too much when I have Chinese food because I love it so much!
   — ctyst

October 5, 2001
3 1/2 months post op. I also have a hard time judging how much food I'll actually eat. Plus I always feel the need to explain things to the waiters. And I've noticed that most appetizers are fried and not protein based. So it does take more consideration to order something appropriate. Here are a few things I've found though: I love mexican food, most places I can either eat a tostada, or I get beans with green chile and cheese and dip the free chips in that. I also like it when they have shrimp appetizers. If all else fails, a sandwich, no mayo and just eat the meat from inside. If I'm in the mood, I'll get a dinner salad with a side of cheese for protein, that will last me the length of the meal. I definitely still enjoy the company and nobody ever thinks I'm just a fat girl pigging out anymore.
   — kcanges

October 5, 2001
I am 16 months post op and i do not enjoy going out to eat. I don't get the same joy out of food at all like I did in the past. that is a good thing!!!I rarely go out any more, and when I do it is either a salad, or splitting something with someone(like a hamburger or some such).
   — twenc

October 5, 2001
I didn't enjoy eating out for the first year post op...but now, at 14 months post, I do. I eat out frequently. I know now what I can tolerate and how to order. It's a learning process and we all make mistakes at first. I do eat alot of salads, and as others here have said, I often order appetizers for my entree. Last night I had shrimp spring rolls (an appetizer) for my ginner while my friends ordered pasta and pizza. They don't know about my wls, and kept making remarks like "no wonder you are so tiny". My spring rolls were delicious, fresh and light, just the right amount and very satisfying. It's not always easy to find the right thing on the menu, however. The other night I went to a Greek restaurant, and was not very happy with my dinner when it came. Before my surgery I probably would have whined but eaten it anyway. But no my appetite is so diminished, if something doesn't look really good to me, I just don't eat it...and I don't feel at all deprived. I enjoyed the company and the conversation and just didn't worry about the food. Yes, it costs money...but I would debate the question of whether it is a "waste" of money. The food costs the same whether I eat it or I don't eat it.
   — Anne G.

October 5, 2001
When my husband and I eat out, we usually order one appetizer and one dinner and eat it together. It's fun and it reminds me of my teenage days. I am one of the fortunate, for I can tolerate one bite of something sweet, and that one bite satisfies me. I've found that eating out it much more fun now cause I actually talk and carry on a conversation instead of pig-out.
   — Tammy W.

October 5, 2001
I'm 5 months post op, and to be honest, while I never have gone out to eat very much, I actually enjoy it MORE now than I did before. I think it's because I don't feel that "Oh, I shouldn't be eating all this..." guilt anymore. I'll eat a taco at a Mexican restaurant, or some minestrone soup, or even a taco salad at Wendy's (lasts about three meals!) You have to see if you're comfortable yourself, but remember you can always take home leftovers. Good luck!
   — Mary Ellen W.

October 6, 2001
Hi, Terri! I enjoy eating out just as much as a post-op. It's just that now in a restaurant, my mantra is, "Would you please pack up the rest of that for me to go?" I usually get another 1-2 meals at home from the leftovers. = >
   — CaseyinLA

August 20, 2006
I used to eat out alot before my surgery it was my way of pigging out and thinking I was hididng how much I ate we ate at buffetts alot but now I dont have the want to go out and eat I am to afraid I will over eat the couple of times I have been out to eat since my surgery I have over eaten and the results were not good didnt make it to the bathroom either time I figured I had to give myself more time to train myself I am 5 months post op and also a recovering bulemic so I guess my training will be more extensive but as of 2 months ago at my weigh in I had lost 83 lbs......april
   — april-rose

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