I am sooo cold at two months post op!

I am freezing. I usually liek it cold. i keep my house at 67 degrees. Since surgery I keep it at 73. This morning I had to stand outside for 40 minutes and I am still shivering three hours later. Has this happened to anyone else? I'd like to believe that the 70 pounds that I have shed are no longer inslating me, but I don't know whether it is temporary or not. Any help would be appreciated!    — Courtney W. (posted on September 27, 2001)

September 27, 2001
I have exactly the same problem, and my understanding is that it is, in fact, because we are no longer as "insulated" by our fat as before. But like learning to live in a new climate, eventually we will adapt. Personally, I just hope that's all true. ;^)
   — Suzanne B.

September 27, 2001
I know exactly how you feel. Last winter was rough. The good news is, I didn't spend much on air conditioning this summer. From my personal experience, I can tell you, it will not get better any time soon. I don't really know why this happens except that we are no longer insulated as well. Drinking coffee, tea, sf hot chocolate and plugging in my electrical heater helped me last winter. I hope it is better this year... I pay $190 a month (level billing) for heat and hot water!!!!
   — Jeannet

September 27, 2001
I have the same problem coming up on three-months post-op and down 80 pounds. My understanding is that additionally, when we eat, the process of burning that food generates heat and calories are a measure of heat. Since we are eating so much less, we are burning much less fuel and therefore are more sensitive to cold.
   — CaseyinLA

September 27, 2001
I no longer have that problem at 1 & 1/2 years postop. The thing that worked best and for the longest amount of time was a hot bath! Try it and add bubble bath and baby oil to the water!
   — Cindy H.

September 27, 2001
I used to run a fan at my desk year round, now I sit here with a sweater on in the middle of the summer and drink suger free hot cocoa in the morning. Just a side effect I guess from losing the weight. I know I used to shop for light clothes so I wouldn't sweat, but not anymore!
   — Angela B.

September 27, 2001
I, too, have become extremely sensitive to cold. I bought a light jacket that doesn't wrinkle and carry it with me everywhere! I also wear pants and a t-shirt to bed. Sometimes I even sleep in a sweatshirt! I don't know if this is temporary or not but I am looking forward to buying new sweaters this fall and winter in smaller sizes! :)
   — ctyst

September 27, 2001
I have to agree with Colleen. I am 4 months post-op and it was getting to be a big problem at night for me. I have added a 4 oz protein shake a hour before bed, and it has helped allot. Still cold, but not frozen!!! Good luck
   — Cindy S.

September 27, 2001
I had the same problem. According to my surgeon, it's a side effect of losing rapidly losing body fat. He said that my body would adjust; however, it takes two years. Well, I am three years post open rny and I'm still sensitive to cold temps. I'm dreading the winter because I suffer so much. My sister had her rny five years ago and experienced sensitiviy to cold also. She says that she began to improve a year after her weight stabilized and she no longer has problems with the cold. She even went skiing last winter.
   — [Anonymous]

September 27, 2001
Does anyone know of a protein bar that is orange cream inside?
   — clara M.

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