why do my ankles swell up

HElp..I see my surgeon on oct 1..but for the last 3 weeks or so, my ankles and hands are swelling up so ankles dont even look like ankles anymore..they swell up to the point i cant wear my shoes..what is wrong??    — [Anonymous] (posted on September 1, 2001)

September 1, 2001
Are you pre-op? Post-op? How far? From what procedure? What has your post-op plan been to date? Last labs were taken...? Drinking a ton of water? Help! Need more data! And then, we're not docs. But some of us have experienced some of these things.
   — vitalady

September 1, 2001
I think you should call your PCP and ask to speak to the nurse. Your PCP may want you to come in for a check. Maybe you need your meds adjusted. At least get your BP checked.
   — Georgia O.

September 6, 2001
I too have the same problem.. I went to see my PCP fearing that something was desperately wrong with me. (ie Congestive Heart Failure) but she explained when a person is obese the fat cells squish the legs so bad that the its hard for the fluids to circulate in your legs therefore when the fluid gets down to the feet and ankles it is hard for it to get back up. BUT go to your PCP and find out for sure what is causing the problem. My doc prescribed 20mg of Lasix 1 time a day for me. Its hard to do cause you will be peeing all night or all day depending on when you take it. Try to put your feet up when you get home, they should be raised above your heart. Also make sure that youre getting plenty of water every day, that is very important. Again, make sure you go to your PCP to rule out any other causes for the swelling. Good Luck!
   — MerkMerk

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