If over 50, will you ever be able to firm up after surgery?

You know what I mean? Like the "bat wings", hanging thighs, etc.? Will it always just hang?    — [Anonymous] (posted on April 3, 2001)

April 3, 2001
I am 33 and I have a huge problem with all of it. I'm in the predetermination stage for plastics now. Good luck.
   — [Deactivated Member]

April 3, 2001
Thats a hard one.. how long have you been overweight, have you or do you smoke? There are all kinds of factors to be considered before you'll know... and even then who knows. I know at 32 my Dr says I'll more than likely need surgery to fix some flaps... my arms, stomach and possibly thighs. I can totally see needing the breasts done too.. as it is now I have so many infections its not even funny.
   — Dawn R.

April 3, 2001
That so depends on how YOU are put together. My friend & I had the identical same surgeon and surgery, so we had the same post-op nutrition plan. She has lovely soft skin, like velvet. I was SOOOO jealous. I am more like an old shoe. And I'm older. 8 or 10 years older! However, the more I read up on the post-op nutritional supplements, the more generous I was with taking them, dry E, protein supplements, and since I was "dry" anyway, I drowned in lotions & oils. So, you've got her very soft skin, but she's younger. My very tough skin, but I'm older. I went beyond the basics in nutrition, she stuck with the basics. My skin tightened up a lot better than hers did. I suspect the biggest factor is our skin types, but I can't discount the different nourishment we provided for ourselves. And water. She did water way better than I did. So, no, plastics are NOT guaranteed. My aging behind firmed up after a few years. My arms & legs are very do-able. I never had much figure, so I did have a TT. But it is not REQUIRED to have plastics after WLS, any more than you MUST have them pre-op. The bad news is, I got older. The good news is, I lived to whine about it!
   — vitalady

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