Okay 2 questions. Will United Healthcare pay for a revision??

How exactly is a revision performed on someone who has already had the RNY and has been transected?? thanks    — tylerswife (posted on December 31, 2004)

December 30, 2004
I am not that knowledgeable about revisions, but it is my understanding that a revision for a transected rny would be to make it more distal.
   — **willow**

December 31, 2004
I am in the process now of trying to get a revision done, Dr. Szomstein at the Cleveland Clinic in Florida will do mine, he is going to do a silicone band and repair the pouch by making it smaller.
   — donnabug57

December 31, 2004
Rebecca, Well, it depends on who your surgeon is, and what his/her protocol is - AND, of course, which procedure you're having done. If, for instance, you're having your transsected RNY converted to a BPD/DS, my surgeon (Dr. Baltasar) would reattach the blind stomach to the pouch, do a sleeve gastrectomy, then reroute the intestines to be a true BPD/DS. Other surgeons might proceed with a different course of action. It's REALLY important to know what your surgeon intends to do. Ask lots of questions, and whenever possible - ask for the answers in writing! Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

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