Surgery cost in Mexico!

Can anyone please explain to me how and why surgery in Mexico is so much cheaper! Is the care poor, risks higher, I just do not understand how it can be so much cheaper! Thanks    — Karen B. (posted on November 1, 2004)

November 1, 2004
I can't tell you about Mexico from personal experience, but I can tell you about my own experience going to Spain for my surgery - open BPD/DS - costs including travel, surgery, etc - $15,000. Why? Was the care substandard? No, in fact, better than any other hospitalization I've had. Facility decrepit? Nope - it was older, but had every modern convenience necessary. Surgeon without reputation? Absolutely not - Dr. Baltasar is ranked in the top 3 bariatric surgeons in the world. I can tell you this. I consider being denied by my insurance company for coverage of surgery to be a huge blessing in disguise. I wouldn't have had the distinct privilege of having had my surgery by one of the most skilled and kindest and compassionate surgeons on the planet, or experienced the incredible level of success that I have since my surgery. Just my two cents worth... Blessings, dina
   — Dina McBride

November 1, 2004
No trial lawyers! Patients travelling abroad have almost no legal recourse in case of complications. That is a huge benefit for those surgeons. On the other hand, here in the U.S., surgeons'single largest expense is often their liability premium. Many of us practice in mortal fear of an emotionally taxing lawsuit and huge financial settlement over a bad outcome, no matter the quality of the care rendered.
   — DrL

November 2, 2004
Check the ABC Medical Center web page ( Allthough it is in spanish, you can get an idea of the kind of hospital. This hospital is 110 years old, and is acreditated by many hospital in the USA. I would rate it as a first class medical facility. The cost of life here in Mexico is not as expensive as in the USA, insurance cost etc. etc. The cost here is 12,300 dollars, doctors and hositals fees included. For the Lap RNY. Done by Dr. M. Herrera. I can email yu his credential if you are interested. He got his training at Mayo Clinic and Toronto.
   — maureenmosti

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