What have you done to increase your energy level during menstration?

I am about 13 months post op and have lost over 150 pounds. I am happy and healthy and my labs all have come back within the "normal" range. However, I seem to continuously have a decrease in my energy level during my period every month. I continue exercising as I normally do, I seem to up my H2O intake during that time, but I just feel completely exhausted for a couple of days. Exhausted to the point of just wanting to sleep, sleep, sleep. Perhaps I should give in and rest more during those few days? I'm open to what others have been through and any suggestions. Thank you.    — Kamy (posted on October 6, 2004)

October 6, 2004
Hi Kamy. How have your labs been? Is your hemoglobin ok? The symptoms you describe could be an indication of anemia, and iron supplements may help.
   — inkychick

October 6, 2004
This happens to me too. I had my surgery in July. I have always experienced this, even before the surgery. After the surgery, it has been worse. My legs were aching. I still exercised, even though totally exhausted. This month, I listened to my body. I went to bed when I was sleepy, took a couple of naps on the weekend, eased up on the exercise and ate a little more because I was starving. It seemed to help a lot. After it was over, it didn't have a negative impact on my weight loss. I believe this takes a big toll on some women's bodies. Don't stop exercising, just cut back a little (like take a day off). Don't use it as an excuse to overindulge in empty calories--increase protein, vegetables, and fruits. My legs didn't hurt so much this time either. Before the surgery, my back hurt before and during my period because of all the weight. I think my legs hurt during my period now because of all the walking I do. I hope this helps!
   — Melanie G.

October 6, 2004
PROTEIN DRINKS. Watch the sugar. UP your vit. Bs also. If you are eating 3 meals a day add two protein drink as snacks.
   — Linda R.

October 8, 2004
Kamy, Vit B6 should help, my Dr says 200mg per day during your cycle...
   — Kriola

October 8, 2004
I stay away from caffien. That helpes me a lot. I am usually exhausted around that time also and you should take that first couple of days to rest up. Most women don't realize what it takes for your body to have a period. So much happens w/i the first couple of days of your period and even weeks before that. I usually hold back on foods that make my pms and cycle worse. Fried food in particular. I try to eat a lot of fruits and veggies at least a couple of weeks before I come on; expecially green leafy veggies. Midol also now makes a midol complete that helps fight fatigue and some of the other tortures that come with your cycle.
   — Ewanda S.

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