Any questions for my surgon?

HI EVERYONE GUESS WHAT I FINALLY GOT APPROVED YYEEEAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! So aanyway, I'm meeting with my surgon for the first time next week. Anyone have any questions I should make sure to ask? Thanks for the input! Erin    — Erin P. (posted on April 9, 2004)

April 10, 2004
Hi, I would ask how long he/she has been doing this type of surgery, how many deaths, what complications to expect, what kind of follow up to expect. What kind of food to have on hand post op, does he take gall bladder out with surgery. These are just a few I can think of right off. Let your husband, parents, siblings or children make up a list of questions that they may be wondering about. Good luck to you.
   — Tawnda C.

April 12, 2004
Sorry for the inconvenience but I'm having memory block here today. I have answered this queston before, so I'm sure it's n the library. I got an extensive list from someone else here on OH, and listed their name before. It was super helpful, and answered every question I had and more. Good Luck on your upcoming surgery!!
   — bufordslipstick

April 13, 2004
I have a list on my profile of questions that I asked my doc...feel free to use them! Jessica 285/150/128
   — Jessica D

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