I am 2 weeks post op Lap rny and have this numbness from where they cut

There is a numbness between where they cut the insicion on my left side and my belly button, it also feels like something is connected in there where it is numb. Has anyone had this or should I call the doctor and ask. Thanks    — Lisa W. (posted on August 18, 2003)

August 18, 2003
Anytime you are cut thru a muscle you are numb for a little while. Nothing to be concerned about.
   — Delores S.

August 18, 2003
This is normal it will go away in time.
   — charanewme

August 18, 2003
Nerves have been cut! That tends to cause some numbness. As for the pulling - sutures or scar tissue! Give it some time, you will feel better!
   — Pambylah

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