Worried about hair loss!!!

I'm 2 1/2 weeks post-op and am already worried about losing my hair. Thankfully its really thick, but I don't want to look like a freak. Does it fall out in patches? What should I expect. Do hair vitamins help?    — CindyOakes (posted on May 9, 2003)

May 9, 2003
I am one year post op and I never had any hair loss. There is a lot of contraversy whether or not protein and biotin prevent hair loss. I always took a Real Meals a day for 60 grams of protein and biotin.
   — Linda A.

May 9, 2003
Im 4 mos. out today and my hair is falling out. I take pregancy vitamins and 75 grams of protein a day and its still coming out. I read what others write and they all say it will pass. man! I hope so, my hair has thinned in the past few yrs. I can't afford to lose anymore.
   — Joan W.

May 9, 2003
I don't think there is really anything you can do to prevent or stop hair loss. I've just seen too many posts from people who got lots of protein, took biotin, used nioxin, took other vits, etc. and they still lost hair. The most important thing to remember is that the hair loss is not permanent. I lost a lot at about 4 months out. I've always worn my hair pretty short, so I had it cut even shorter. I love the new style and my hair has come back. I'd always wanted to wear a kind of pixie cut, but always felt I was too heavy for such a short style. Now it looks great and it's SO easy to take care of. I had a co-worker say yesterday that she couldn't believe I'd even lost any hair.
   — garw

May 9, 2003
There are a few lucky ones who experience no hair loss but for most of us, it starts around the 3 month post-op time frame, a little later for others, and usually lasts for about 3 months. I am one who does not believe that anything will help and that it is a waste of money to buy all the shampoos and vitamins to help stop the loss. Very, very few ever lose enough to become noticeable to more than ourselves. Some thinning will occur, and you may want to go to your hairdresser and get a short cute doo (I did and got tons of compliments for the new hairstyle!) when the hair starts falling out. But know that it does stop, and it does grow back in and you will not go bald. Small price to pay for this wonderful surgery.
   — Cindy R.

May 9, 2003
I agree with Cindy -- the stuff they sell for this, IMHO, doesn't help what will correct itself no matter what we do. I lose hair after every major surgery, like clockwork, WLS or not, and like clockwork, it comes back on its own (I even bought biotin once, but the hair grew back before I ever opened the bottle). It's disturbing even when I know to expect it, but nobody notices as much as me. Don't worry about it ... if it happens, it's only temporary.
   — Suzy C.

May 9, 2003
I have also been experiencing hair loss. I'm about 5 months out and it seems to be slowing down (could it be the Rogaine I'm using?). One note on taking pregnancy vitamins - be very careful! They actually make you MORE fertile, and this would be a very dangerous time to get pregnant.
   — fieryfish

May 9, 2003
I asked my surgeon about this, and he said there is only one thing that will keep hair from falling out and that is PROTEIN!!! It is what the hair is made of in the first place. He said there are no pills or supplements that will keep yopu from losing your hair, and that to keep from losing it it is vital that we get enough protein in our diets during the first 6 mths.
   — dkinson

May 9, 2003
I think the actual statistics for hair loss says that only 1 in 5 will lose hair. I take prenatal vitamins and take in 75-100 grams of protein a day and my hair has started falling out in a huge way. I did start using Progaine shampoo and it seems to be helping but I am losing my hair in spite of all of my best efforts. It is not coming out in patches just basically thinning all over. Just in time for my sister's wedding! Lucky me! Had I known this would happen to me I would have started using the Progaine much earlier post-op.
   — Carol S.

May 10, 2003
I like you had very thick hair. so thick i couldnt wear ponytails for it pulled my head and gave me headaches. I am now 7 months postop and around 5 months i started losing my hair. It has thinned out alot but not in patches. It just got thinner. I like it. Now because i can wear ponytails and do alot more with it. As long as it stops soon it will be fine. Since you have thick hair to begin with i wouldnt worry about it.
   — qtalleycat68

August 29, 2006
WELL, let me tell YOU all something.....I had a full head of gorgeous hair. I mean, thick, curly, and I needed 3 bottles of dye (when I was dying it) to get it all...NOW, it doesn't even take me 1/2 a bottle. I am DEVASTATED...I am only 31 yrs old and I look like a corpse with the scraggly hair hanging off my scalp. I just started looking into wigs...protein, biotin, vitamins, nothing helped. And I know you're prob thinking it might be from "alll the dying of the hair" but I dyed it only 3 times in my life. HOWEVER, I would have the surgery again in a heartbeat. Because if I didn't, I might have a full head of gorgeous hair but I'd be dead at a younger age. What good is it to be the best-haired corpse on the cemetary lot???
   — SaGa

August 29, 2006
WELL, let me tell YOU all something.....I had a full head of gorgeous hair. I mean, thick, curly, and I needed 3 bottles of dye (when I was dying it) to get it all...NOW, it doesn't even take me 1/2 a bottle. I am DEVASTATED...I am only 31 yrs old and I look like a corpse with the scraggly hair hanging off my scalp. I just started looking into wigs...protein, biotin, vitamins, nothing helped. And I know you're prob thinking it might be from "alll the dying of the hair" but I dyed it only 3 times in my life. HOWEVER, I would have the surgery again in a heartbeat. Because if I didn't, I might have a full head of gorgeous hair but I'd be dead at a younger age. What good is it to be the best-haired corpse on the cemetary lot??? ALSO- I am now 11.5 months post op and 5 months pregnant, so post op pregnancy is not that big of a OBGYM says this pregnancy is more healthy than the one I had PRE-op....!!!!
   — SaGa

September 29, 2006
My Dr. also said that a Zinc deficiency can cause hair loss, so they have recommended taking extra zinc.
   — jodijwalk

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