Has anyone had to have surgery to remove a

removed as a result of a TT? Thanks Carol Mikels    — Carol M. (posted on February 24, 2003)

February 24, 2003
A tt is a skin removal. What they do on some people who have lost huge amounts of weight is pull all the loose skin down and cut it off and tighten the muscles underneath so you don't have all that flab hanging to your knees. Not everyone who has wls has to have this. A lot of it depends on your age and your skin elascicity (sp) and how large you were to start with. People with huge bellys usually have this and it can be bothersome. The flab gets sores and rashes under it and makes it difficult to walk. I saw this question a few days ago but it was not clear what you are asking.
   — Delores S.

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