Why do staples come lost, if patient doesn't have any problems?
I am post of 16 months, never thrown up, still losing weight but, had another egd done because my throat felt like it was closing up. They found out that 2 out of my 4 staples have come lose. Why does this happen? I've ask my doctor to re-do. Will it cause problems? — Kathy C. (posted on October 21, 2002)
October 21, 2002
Kathy, do you mean two rows of four rows have come loose? Is your pouch
still intact? Are you transected? If you are not transected, the staples
come loose a lot of times many months even years postop. My understanding
is that the two edges of the old still attached stomach and the new pouch
cannot form a good seal with just stapling and that with transection, the
scar tissue forms and seals the pouch separating it completely from the old
stomach. I had SLD at 6 mos postop with my original rny and had to be
"redone" with transection. Now my pouch has a permanent seal.
— Mylou52
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