Anyone had exploratory surgery to look for adhesions?

I had open RNY on 4/5/02 and then gallbladder removal on 5/14/02. I've had a constant burning ache in my low back and low abdomen since about the first of may. I'm scheduled for a laporoscopy on 10/3 to see if they can find anything that could be causing this pain. I think it's adhesions. I've had MANY tests and everything keeps coming back normal. I could sure use anyone's input on this. Thanks for your help!!!    — Christine L. (posted on September 21, 2002)

February 24, 2005
I am having exploratory surgery to look for adhesions next Friday and my symptoms sound exactly like yours!! I have been complaining to all my doctors of abdominal cramping and of a pain in my back that I could only describe as a burning. I have had every test on the planet done and nobody could find anything wrong. Finally, my gastric bypass surgeon asked the emergency room to send him a copy of the CT scan that they had done because he did not trust the radiologist's report. He says that on those films he can see that the unused portion of my stomach is distended meaning that it is filled with fluid which is being caused by a bowel obstruction caused by adhesions.
   — flcolumbia

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