Has anyone used the bowel prep Go-Lytley?

I'm 5 months post-op RNY and I'm having a colonoscopy tomorrow. I'm unable to use the Fleets bowel preparation because I will vomit, so the doctor has given me Go-Lytley instead. Has anyone used this before? How was the taste and were you able to drink the entire gallon? Or did you even need to drink the whole thing before your bowel movements were at the consistency? Sorry, don't mean to groww anyone out.    — Christine L. (posted on September 11, 2002)

September 11, 2002
I had to take Go Lytely the night before my RNY, it tastes like salt water to me, and it is hard to choke down, but I used a lot of ice and put a lemon in it and it seemed to help, I only had to drink half a gallon, I wouldn't want to do it again but it is managable, I also used a straw so I could put it at the back of my mouth and didn't have to taste it so much. Also, the flavor packets did not work at all for me, I couldn't tell I had ever used them. Good Luck! You will be fine!
   — Cassy H.

September 11, 2002
WOW, you have to drink a gallon! I had to drink it the night before my surgery, but only about 16 ozs. if I remember right. It had a lemony/lime flavor. Nothing you ever have to drink to clean you out is going to taste good. I would strongly suggest you refrigerate it as it tastes *better* cold. I held my nose and just drank it as quick as I could. You, having a gallon of it to drink, would probably do better using a straw. Good luck!!
   — Kim B.

September 11, 2002
I had to drink a gallon the night before my WLS. I am still trying to block the memory of it all. I am sorry to be so honest but it truly was a ghastly ordeal for me.
   — Karen R.

September 11, 2002
I'm a year out and recently had a colonoscopy. The bowel prep was by far the worst part of this. My doctor suggested that because of the RNY I should drink it slower than it says on the jug. After about 6 glasses of the stuff, my stomach was distended and I was in pain from being so full (and still hadn't gone to the bathroom). I called my doctor and he said to stop drinking it and do 2 double shots of exlax milk of magnesia an hour apart. Let me tell you...this got me going. I drank some more of the go-lytely (almost a 1/2 gallon total) just to make sure that I was completely cleaned out. This whole process took about 11 hours. The next morning I was weak from being dehydrated and so empty. The test itself was a breeze and I slept through the whole thing. Best of luck with the bowel prep. I suggest that you start earlier than you were told and take it slow - our little stomach really don't like this process. Let me also add that I had diarrhea for several days afterward - everything I ate went right through me. Hope everything comes out clean! :)
   — Stephanie S.

September 11, 2002
Having done Fleets and go-litely (you don't!) I would never recommend go-litely. The fleets is a much smaller quantity. I would try this: smell a chocolate shake, then have a spoonful, then close your eyes and plug your nose and have someone hand you the Fleets & gulp it down! I had major rectal surgery and was in great pain but it will always be overshadowed by the Sunday I spent in the bathroom with my Gallon jug of go-litely!
   — Michelle F.

September 11, 2002
Wow you guys...this is crazy...a gallon?!?! I took 10 ounces of Magnesium Citrate in "pleasing lemon flavor". It wasn't so pleasing, but I did not make me puke and I have a sensative stomach. It tastes like really sour Sprite. Took me 15 minutes to drink it and then I spent the next several hours in the bathroom. Cleans ya out, that's for sure. Try that instead...10 oz or 1 gallon...hmm. :) Ps- The cherry flavor is worse, go with lemon, and make it really cold before drinking, goes down easier....oh and it's like 1.50.
   — Paula Prichard

September 12, 2002
Christine, I had to do the whole gallon before my colonoscopy and it was NOT pleasant. I did find a way to get most of it down though. Have a small bowl of jello ready and as soon as you swallow 8 onces, take a spoon full of jello, it helps get the god awful taste out of your mouth. (I used Peach jello, it was yummy). Remember, stay away from anything red (cherry, stawberry, etc). Good luck and remember that this is the hard part, the test will be a piece of cake after the prep.
   — Jeanne G.

September 13, 2002
Go-Lytley not what I would've named the stuff... I had a tumor when I was younger and had to take it, tastes like what cat-pee smells like... You will eventually pass the Go-Lytley, so cleans you out like a whistle... BUT for the GOOD goes in on top (as apposed to a fleet)...ALWAYS A BONUS!!!!!! Good luck and block out some time with the Tidy Bowl Man...=)
   — Leah S.

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