Hi..I have a widows hump, and although it is getting smaller

it is starting to hurt, espically when I am at work on the computer,my question is, does anyone know how to ease the pain a little??    — tylerswife (posted on September 3, 2002)

September 3, 2002
I also have a widows hump, it is almost gone since I have lost 112 pounds, but it has never really bothered me,never had any kind of pain with it , you might want to have it checked out to make sure there's nothing wrong. good luck...
   — bikerchic

September 3, 2002
What is a widows hump?
   — Molly W.

September 3, 2002
It is probably something to do with a pinched nerve in your neck. I sit at a computer 12 to 14 hours a day between my 2 jobs. If I make regular visits to my Chiropractor my "hump" doesn't hurt but if i put it off a couple of weeks i can have some pain in it. A good Chiropractor does WONDERS for your pain in the back, neck and arms. Hope this helps.....
   — Sharon B.

September 3, 2002
I recommend that you see a Massotherapist...I have a widows hump too and it is where I store all my stress. My husband is about to graduate with an Associates in Massotherpy and he massages my back at least once a week and it has made such a HUGE difference in how I am able to handle keying for 8 hours straight!
   — NoraNora

September 3, 2002
I swear by my chiropractor - keeps my widows hump (a hump at the base of the neck, where the shoulders co-join) painfree and livable.
   — [Deactivated Member]

September 8, 2002
I also swear by my chiropracter....I've been going religiously for almost 3 years now. Ever since she started working on my neck problems I've noticed the hump has gotten alot smaller. That all started before I started losing any weight....I'm sure I'll notice it getting smaller as the weight comes off also. You may want to look into getting one in your area... make sure that they do x-rays before any type of adjustments though. That way they can see what kind of problems you have with the neck and spine. Good Luck!
   — Janine B.

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