Have you had a full or partial bowel obstruction after WLS?

I had open RNY and hiatal hernia repair on 4/5/02 and gallbladder removal on 5/14/02. Since the first of May I've been having constant low abdominal and low back pain, and it always gets worse after eating. I've had just about every test out there and they've all come back normal. I go tomorrow for an upper GI with a small-bowel follow-through to look for obstructions and stuff. Has anyone ever had a full or partial bowel or intestinal obstruction since your surgery? Please post your experience. Your replies are greatly appreciated!    — Christine L. (posted on August 23, 2002)

August 24, 2002
Hi. I had a complete small bowel obstruction 5 months post open RNY. The pain came on suddenly, and was excruciating. When it didn't pass after an hour, I went to the ER where the obstruction was diagnosed. I had emergency surgery to release the bowel that was caught in some adhesions that were due to the first surgery. In retrospect, I think that I may have had some partial obstruction episodes leading up to this. I had about 3 times where I had similar pain, not as severe, though, that came on suddenly after eating, but only lasted 20 minutes or so. The bowel that was caught must have worked itself loose, leading to the relief. But when the total obstruction occurred, there was nothing but blinding pain (the writhing, tearing at the sheets, pounding my fists into my thighs kind of pain!) Good luck with your tests... I hope you get answers to your pain. JK, RN
   — Joya K.

August 24, 2002
Hi Christine. I too am having some pretty bad abdominal pain they can't seem to figure out. I am post-op Lap-Rny 5/16/01/ I also had my gallbladder out, a hiatal hernia repair and a ventral(incisional) hernia repair 7 months post-op. I went for a pelvic and abdominal cat scan(with dye), an upper Gi with the small bowel follow through, and am now scheduled for a colonoscopy next week. All my tests have come out perfect!! So...why the pain??? It comes on usually 4-5 days/week. Mostly after 3pm and feels like severe gas pains, but they double me over sometimes. Other than these stomach aches, I have been feeling wonderful. I would do this surgery over again in an instant if necessary.Maybe we could figure this out together..keep me informed!!Hope you are feeling better..Love, Elaine..Down 101 pounds at goal.
   — Elaine R.

August 24, 2002
Yes, I had a partial small bowel obstruction. Fortunately, my obstruction was six inches below the stoma and reachable through an upper endoscopy. I had the stenosis of the small bowel opened and dilated through the endoscopy. I was experiencing severe nausea/vomiting daily at the time. no pain. However, this wasnt the sole cause of my nausea/ vomiting daily.. I also was diagnosed a week later with an atonic pouch.. meaning that the pouch had enlarged.. probably due to the constant vomiting, and was non functional. Hugs,
   — Gina Landers

September 4, 2002
I was 9 weeks post op lap rny when I buckeled over in pain after eating a scrambled egg and had to go to the ER was first told it was gastritis because xrays didn't show anything but the GI Dr. decided to do a scope and found that the blockage required surgery .I had my lap rny done out of town and no Dr. wanted to touch me because of liability issues the GI talked to 7 surgeons before he found one that would fix me.I spent a total of 12 days in the hospital and had 2 obstructions.
   — Merri M.

June 28, 2006
I had RNY-open in 2003, then I had emergency surgery for bowel obstruction/partial bowel necrosis in 2004. I've had 2 bouts with partial bowel obstruction since 2004-all from adhesions. IV fluids and bowel rest have been successful so far. Any way to keep this from happening would be great news, its very painful. Have lost 107lbs, 5lbs from goal. No more diabetes, high triglycerides.
   — ckennedy

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